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You missed the phone call from John’s old friend Travis because you were reading your phone.

Brenda Lewis

Travis was a friend of John's that the boys hadn't seen in years. As to anything else, it's only episode 4, Supernatural arcs are a slow burn.


To be honest, I've never taken it as that we were supposed to feel bad when Travis was killed. I've always thought of it as us seeing different types of hunters and their methods, and how they differ from Sam and Deans methods. Also considering Travis is an old friend of their dads, it makes me wonder if they have similar hunting styles. I'm going completely off base here, but that's my two cents about it at least.


This episode is a 9 for me, but because of the confrontations between Sam & Dean

Amy Rustand

I tend to think this story-line about Sam using his powers isn't really over. If it is, then I am right on board with you being upset that the whole thing was tied up so quickly and neatly. But Sam has been using his powers for MONTHS, I don't think he'll be able to quit cold turkey (I don't really think this is an 'addiction' for him, but for some reason the metaphor seemed apt). I kind of hope, for the sake of the story, that we see Sam go back to using his powers again (I employed the word 'using' there and now the addiction metaphor is becoming more appropriate in my mind!) and struggling with that desire. Maybe he'll be forced to do it to save Dean or somebody and it will make Sam go back to thinking how useful they are. I just hope this story arc isn't really over this quickly because that would be too easy and lazy writing in my opinion.


You weren't suppose to feel bad for Travis. He was going to kill a innocent pregnant woman for goodness sakes. He was also going to kill the guy when he didn't kill anyone and looked like he was handling the hunger.

Valencia Lanier

Sam’s reasoning if using his powers instead of the knife makes sense but he could also just do an exorcism. 50 Latin words. They just stopped doing those.


Pretty sure Sam and Dean's reaction to a rugaru (spelling?) in this episode is a plot hole. I may be wrong about this but in season 1 Dean tells Sam that their dad went missing while hunting a rugaru.