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Ari is my Cat

You believe Logan's dad when he says he didn't do it? Dude is trying not to be put away forever, he will say anything at this point. I don't think the writers ever expected people to think he didn't kill Lily.

Ari is my Cat

Spoon's lead singer Britt Daniel was the Karaoke singer in this one. Just a cameo, he doesn't do the intro like the other guy did.


The actor who played Duncan only did a few things after Veronica Mars. He quit acting and became a big time lawyer. Here is his bio at his law firm: https://www.wmhlaw.com/person/edward-dunn/

Ari is my Cat

The guy who played Rashard played Antoine Triplett in Agents of SHIELD.


Congratulations on calling the setup. I learned from “Donut Run,” if something weird is going down, and there’s no Veronica VO, then the show is playing us. And I agree with Steven, I feel cheated out of the reconciliation between Jackie, Veronica, and Wallace. The last time we saw them together, Jackie publicly betrayed and humiliated Veronica, and Wallace abruptly left and cut off contact with both of them. I would have enjoyed seeing the three plan this con together. Surely the standout scene is the one with Veronica, Weevil, and Logan? The reveal of Logan sitting at the next table RIGHT BY THE OPEN ENTRANCE is hilarious. “So this is sneaking? I’ve got a pantomime horse disguise you could use. Do either of you have experience being a horse’s ass?” But the snarking stopped when both Logan and Weevil were so earnest and…nice. I love Keith’s detective work. And yes, Sheriff Lamb is just that lazy and corrupt. “Donut Run” left no doubt on that issue. He knew the Manningses were abusive, and he took their side. Corrupt institutions and individuals are a staple of noir. I think Michael Muhney at least gives a great performance to a basically one-note character.


Another good reaction. You're right, that is the first time Tessa's character has been decent. I also thought that the turning of Weevil's gang against him was a bit too far fetched... i didn't buy it how easily Thumper convinced the rest and suddenly he is now leader. Anyway look forward to the rest of the season.

Kelsey McGuire

To be fair if you rewatch the season you'll notice Thumper in the background and is the one that threaded the needle accusing Logan of killing Felix, and using Logan not being prosecuted to slowly start planting seeds of doubt of Weevil's leadership in the others mind. He had also been getting the other members to start selling drugs for the Fitzpatricks behind Weevil's back which was making them more money than Weevil ever did. It may seem very sudden, but again if you look back you'll notice he's always there in the background lurking. However, the camera always focuses on Hector making you believe he's the one behind it all. Pretty good misdirection if you ask me. You also have to understand most gang's aren't forgiving especially when they think their leader is working with someone who killed on of their own. It's honestly surprising he didn't get killed for it.