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Stephanie Bedworth

I don't think it would have helped to stay at the cabin. They caught Whitford and killed him, which means they probably knew he was helping people cross the border. If the guardians where out in force searching for them then it was only a matter of time before they found them.

Scarlett Monrow

42:00 I agree that this episode is more informative and interesting. This constant suffering of women in Gilead becomes boring to watch after a while. I wish creators would include more scenes and information of the world.

Vicky N

I like this episode because we get to see what happened to Luke and it ends on a sliver of hope. But the reason this show exists and is different from other post apocalyptic/futuristic shows, is the masterful way in which it depicts the dystopian world of Gilead and how very close to home it sometimes is. I personally am more interested in the exploration of the consequences of extreme religious bigotry and patriarchy, even if it is harder to watch.


did you not finish reacting to this season? this is the last episode i see on here reacted to.