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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you again, for another wonderful reaction from you!! I really love this episode a lot! I know that it raises a lot of questions, as it does for everyone who watches this episode, but I assure you, the next episode will answer them all for you. The next episode is one of my overall favorite episodes in season two, so I can't wait for your reaction for it. :) As for Into the Deep... I'm happy you enjoyed it as much as you did despite your questions. I especially love the beautiful moment between David and Mary Margaret within the Netherworld. I love David's absolute faith in Snow and how they call each other Snow and Charming again. This kind of absolute faith in their love for one another runs in the Charming family, as they are known as one of the strongest semblances of True Love throughout the entire series. Especially Snow and Charming. Yes... it takes a lot to believe that it's possible for them to trust in one another so fully as they do, simply because that kind of blind faith and love for our loved ones doesn't really existence in the real world. For some it might, but this kind of True Love is rare. That is what this show is trying to convey, especially within this episode. That they know in their hearts that somehow, they will find one another again and find a way to become united together again. Yes... Aurora vanished and in Charming's mind, as well as Regina's, Henry's, and Gold's, they assumed something terrible might have happened to her. Therefore, Charming trusted that Snow would choose to enter the Netherworld next in hope to seek out answers as Henry and Aurora tried to do before, knowing that she was the only one of them who could. Sadly, Mary Margaret is terrified because David's plan for her to wake him through True Love's Kiss while still together in the Netherworld failed because their bodies weren't physically there and because Mary Margaret was waking up. And now... David is trapped within a sleeping curse until she and Emma can get back home. Yes... Mary Margaret's acting in this scene was once again quite beautiful, as she always is when she cries. Also... I absolutely love all of the scenes with Hook. And even though Hook has stolen Aurora's heart in order to give it to Cora so he could get back into the sorceress' good graces, I fully believe Hook was genuine in his feelings towards Emma, despite his anger with her for leaving him chained up in the giants' castle. However, he's been seeking revenge against Rumplestiltskin for over two hundred years now and so suddenly letting go of his quest of revenge is not so easy to do when he can't trust Emma or anyone to be fully on his side. And he doesn't trust anyone easily either. Which is what partly makes for Hook and Emma to be such a good team, because in so many ways, they are both so much alike. As for Hook ripping out Aurora's heart... this question as to how he does so is answered in the next episode as well, but in answer to your question about when he took it... we are meant to assume that it was while Aurora was still unconscious, before he woke her. And as far as Cora using Aurora's heart to control her, as she did the zombies... the person in possession of a person's heart can make them do, say, and even believe anything. There is a lot that can be done with and to a person whose heart is possessed by someone. We saw this so far back in season one with Graham, we've now seen different aspects here in this episode with Aurora and the zombies, and we will continue to see more with heart possession throughout the series. Magic works in so many different ways. As for Cora... this episode so far is definitely her best so far and she is a great villainess, even though I still hate her. And I really do. She's just a little too twisted in all of her actions she does claiming to be doing it for her daughter, when she's really acting for herself. People who act claiming their actions to be for others they love when all they are are twisted... It's frightening. Now... I love the moments between Henry and David too. David is so good with Henry. They have many, many sweet and tender moments together. I also like the scenes of Gold with David, Henry, and Regina, as they work together to try to help Emma and Mary Margaret find their way home. And like you, I love Gold's explanation to David about how the Netherworld works and how he must find the room on fire due to him first falling under the sleeping curse. Gold's explanation and David seeking out the room as he starts off in a dark room full of mirrors, then discovers the fire room is beneath him... it's all brilliant. I loved this as well. Lastly... I like Aurora more in this episode I think, than I've ever really liked her in Once Upon a Time... I suppose maybe because she just doesn't feel like Aurora from Sleeping Beauty like I would have imagined her. And that's harsh and unfair... I know, but nevertheless... Aurora does get better throughout each episode, for which I am grateful. Mulan on the other hand… while I normally like her a lot, I think her scenes in this episode bothered me more so than in others because she kept going against Emma and Mary Margaret, then ran away with the compass. Thank goodness they catch up to her. ANd as far as her losing too easily to Mary Margaret... I do agree with you that this annoyed me as well. While Snow is a brilliant fighter in her own right, Mulan is actually a soldier and is supposed to be the best, just like you said. So I found it strange that she was so easily taken down, even by Snow. I guess you can say that Snow's motivation to get home now is that much stronger than ever before so she can not only be home with her husband and grandson again, but now because David is now in danger of remaining trapped under the sleeping curse. And then, Aurora is freed by Hook and unbeknownst to us at the moment until she returns to her friends, that Hook has somehow ripped out her heart to give it to Cora, which we won't find out how until the next episode. And now Cora is in complete control over her. I can't wait for the next episode!!!! It's another of my overall favorites from season two. Thank you again! Until next time...

Paul Fisher

To answer your question about how Snow was able to defeat Mulan, in the world of this show, while Mulan is a great warrior, so is Snow. Remember that Snow, along with Charming, led an army that defeated the armies of both Regina and King George. While we haven't yet seen many details of how she evolved from helpless princess to warrior, we can surmise she became a very strong fighter. Also, I don't think Mulan was swinging to strike Snow when Snow tackled her - I think Mulan was drawing her sword. So, she would have been at a disadvantage until she had drawn it and Snow was close enough to get to her before she could draw the sword. You are right that there are many questions to be answered in the future!

Ceara Abrahamsz

Hook being able to take a heart? That isn’t random, there IS a reason...that’s explained later. That’s going to happen a lot with this show, you’ll have lots of questions, confusion, that at the time don’t make sense to you, but is usually answered later on, in some way, shape, or form. The writers are VERY patient when it comes to telling the story that they want to tell. They really take their time when revealing things. 👍

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

This is very true. And I love the pace in which certain revelations are made. This show is overall beautifully written.