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Vicky N

Great episode! This time the focus was on HR and Fusco’s balancing act of trying to do the right thing without further compromising himself and not endangering his family. That’s why he took out the information about Simmons from the ledger. You missed the part where Simmons threatened his son’s life and killing the guy is not really an option. First of all not everybody is a killer and second of all that wouldn’t remove the threat from the rest of HR.

Vicky N

You were pretty harsh on the number of the week. Yes she was aggressive, that’s how she gets results. In this case, she didn’t get the guy killed because, as you said she was sloppy, but because she was very carefully set up.

Dani C

You seemed to zone out for several key scenes - like Fusco and Simmons in the car. I am a tad concerned now that you won't be doing the editing that you won't now catch in the edit the things you miss when reacting.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I really enjoy this episode a lot. I love the twist with Maxine turning out to be the unwilling perpetrator. It's so tragic that a good man was killed because of her failure to make sure all of her facts for her story were true before jumping at the chance to post it for the fame. But sadly this happens more often in real life than we really realize. I understand the reasons for the media and journalists, but they also make me really angry because they care more about their story than who they hurt in the process of writing them. Which is why I also appreciated that this episode showed that Maxine felt badly for her mistakes and tried to make things right. Yes... it's true that she was too brazen throughout the entire episode and it was annoying how often she keep putting herself in danger, especially to find the ledger. But she reminds me a lot of Lois Lane from Superman. She acts just like Lois, and yet I found myself liking Maxine a lot more. I also love Reese struggling to protect her while keeping himself undercover so that Maxine won't discover he's the "Man in the Suit", which I really love that in the end she saw him more as just an urban legend like Reese tried to encourage her to believe. And I also love that Finch has to call in Zoe Morgan again to help them, especially to help Reese look better on his date when he really struggles to impress Maxine at first. It's always good to see Zoe Morgan, and other past numbers come back. And lastly... I really enjoy Fusco's storyline throughout this episode as he continues to struggle with his cover in HR, and being forced to protect Simmons in order to keep his cover for Reese and Finch so they can eventually learn who is the head of HR, as well as to protect his son and himself from his son ever finding out the bad things Fusco has done. I feel so badly for Lionel. I absolutely love his character, pretty much as I love Reese and Finch too. Oh... and I do love the big reveal in the end upon discovering who is really the head of HR. No... we haven't seen his character at all before this episode, and yet I still love the reveal. Overall... I really loved this episode and as always, I continue to look forward to many more. :) Thank you so much! Until next time...