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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I love this episode so much, so thank you for another fabulous reaction! I'm sorry you didn't like it as much as I do, but that's most certainly to be expected, seeing as our opinions are different. And I think that you can probably guess, that of course my favorite scenes throughout this episode were between Emma and Hook, given that they are my favorite characters. :) I love their banter, Hook's cheekiness towards Emma, and even how he flirts... not just towards Emma, but all the women including Mary Margaret, Aurora, and Mulan too. I love, love, love Hook... like I've mentioned a number of times. :) My favorite scene in this episode if I had to choose, is the moment Hook and Emma share as he's helping her by wrapping a rag around her bloodied injured hand. He's totally flirting with her, all the while helping to protect her from the legends he knew about the giants smelling blood and of them being dastardly and evil. I especially loved when Emma noticed his tattoo and called him out on his real reason for wanting to kill Rumplestiltskin... for him having killed Milah. Such a beautiful moment. And so was the moment when Emma and Hook are climbing the beanstalk, and Hook reveals he can read the look of loss and lack of love on her face, because he had lived among the Lost Boys in Neverland for centuries and knew the reason for their despair as well. Another of my most favorite moments in this episode. :) Both Emma and Hook are very perceptive characters, which makes them an amazing team...as Hook tells Emma. Now... I understand why Emma locked Hook's wrist in the shackle in order to force him to stay behind long enough to give her and her mother and their friends a head start. Because she didn't trust him, and seeing as he is a villain after all... it makes sense. I was just so disappointed too, because I really would have loved to see where things went from there on out between the women and Hook. He truly appeared to be genuine in his desire to help them, and I believe that he was telling the truth. Which is why he was so hurt that Emma would abandon him up there, especially believing the giant would kill him. Sadly, Emma could only see him as a pirate out for himself though and she is desperate to get home to her son. And now... Hook is angry all right. Next... I also loved the scene in the very end with David and Henry, as David lights the candle for him to catch Henry's nightmares like he used to do for Snow. It's so sweet and the parallel between this scene and Aurora having the same nightmares in the Enchanted Forest is fantastic. As are the parallels between Emma and Hook, with Emma and Neal eleven years ago. Now... I was thrilled to see August again in the flashbacks with Neal and I really liked this scenes with them, even though I don't really care much for Neal as an overall character. I love August and I really wanted to see him more in the present day in Storybrooke. But it was brilliant to have him come back into the show's story here in this moment to show us the reason why Emma was all alone when she first came into the story and arrived in Storybrooke, why she was in prison when Henry was born, and why she was so angry with Henry's father. To me, it's so much better with August being the reason for Neal abandoning her, rather than Neal simply abandoning her for the watches. I loved how August convinced Neal to listen to him and to leave Emma, even if we didn't find out what he revealed to Neal inside that box. Not yet, anyways. But I love the mysteries like that. Don't worry about not remembering what was inside August's box. Yes... it was his typewriter, but this doesn't necessarily mean this was what is inside the box back then. It was after all, eleven years ago. What August showed to Neal is a mystery that will eventually be revealed. And as for your question about the reason for August being there in the first place... August did tell Emma that it wasn't until his own arrival in Storybrooke that he finally found her again. However, over the years, he never forgot about his promise to his father that he would take care of Emma and therefore, he search for her within the past years. Unfortunately, the temptation of the money Neal gave to him was too much for August and so yes... he stole the money and strayed from trying to help Emma. And back in season one's episode, The Stranger... when he tells Emma he got a painful reminder at 815 AM, which was at 815 PM in Storybrooke upon Emma's first arrival in Storybrooke, while he was living in Phuket as he started to become wood again... it's because he lost track of Emma once again after stealing this money. Next... I also liked the moment with Mary Margaret helping Aurora to sleep like David did for her when she had nightmares, even without the candle. I like how very motherly she is for Aurora while her own daughter is busy trying to get the compass with Hook. I also really like how Emma asked Mulan to be the one to cut the beanstalk down in case she didn't return in ten hours. Because she knew her mother would never agree. And I loved even more how Mary Margaret fought Mulan to protect her daughter when Mulan started to cut it down with her enchanted sword. And lastly... I really like the giant we saw in this episode and especially how he reveals that the victors were the ones to tell the stories their way, to make all people believe giants were evil, when in fact none of it was true. This giant isn't evil at all. Just alone, misunderstood, and sad after there had been a great battle between the giants and humans. The special effects for the giant might not be so great, but I really like this overall storyline with him and I like the actor who plays him a lot too from another TV show... Hawaii Five-0. I am always able to look past all of the special effects when they appear to be bad, because I appreciate this show so much and the story that this show's creators, writers, and especially the actors are trying to tell. :) As for what I didn't like... Honestly, I am not a big fan of Neal Cassidy... like I stated above. Even though he's Henry's father. Fantastic reaction to that revelation by the way. But I just didn't really care much for his side of the storyline either, despite loving the scenes between him and August. And I did like that Neal gave August the keys to their stolen car to give to Emma for when she got out of prison. And that Neal had also given August the money for the watches, yet Emma only got the car keys. Which reveals that August took the money himself. But he admitted to Neal that he wasn't ever good with resisting temptations, which is why he became a wooden puppet again in the present storyline in Storybrooke. :) I like that a lot parallel too. Overall... I love this episode so much and its definitely one of my overall favorite episodes in all of season two. :) Thank you again, so much for reacting to Once Upon a Time!!!! Have a wonderful week! Until next time...

Linda McDonough Garcia

I really enjoyed reading your comments. I also love this episode as you know & it’s one of my favorites from season 2 which is why I was hoping he had liked it more. And like you my favorite scenes were with Hook & Emma. I love their banter back & forth while climbing the beanstalk & once they got to the top. I also love the moments he was flirting with her. I absolutely love him & enjoyed their scenes. I also liked his scenes with all the women before hook & Emma climbed the beanstalk. I also agree with you about the Neal scenes. I don’t care that much for him either & the flashback scenes were my least favorite. Which is weird that those were his favorite. Actually after the first time I saw this episode I skipped the flashback scenes. But, I did enjoy the scenes with August. I love him & enjoyed getting to see him again. Though it was disappointing that he took the money Neal gave him instead of giving it to Emma. I enjoyed the scenes with Mary Margaret & Aurora & how her nightmare is the same as Henry’s. Which brings me to one of my other favorite scenes which was at the end with David & Henry. Overall, I love this episode. I think Hook & Emma were great & my favorite parts of the episode.

s jaco

Ah, one of my favourite episodes, but then I love Neal. Granted I appreciate and love this episode a lot more now than when it first aired. You're pretty far already but some times an episodes gets better once you know a character better. I'm not a big fan of Hook like everyone in your comments, but I'm curious to see what you will make of him in the end, I love that regardless of what people think, you wont pretend to like what they do. I've seen reactors do that, out of fear of getting hate and lose viewers. So, I'm going to catch up and see where you land on everything.