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Lilith​ is a demon.

Mark Wood

Yeah, Lilith is a demon often depicted as the first demon or mother of demons. In Supernatural typical demon has black eyes, crossroad demons have read eyes, and boss demons have yellow or white eyes.

Mark Wood

Demons can possess anyone and any sex or age. She definitely isn’t a child.

Mark Wood

Just to let you know this was the last episode to air due to a writers strike. Which cut short this season by 6 episodes. Both this and Mystery Spot (especially Mystery Spot) didn’t get a full once over by the writers as they had to rush the writing to get as many full episodes that could be filmed before the strike deadline. This also hurt the last four episodes of the season as writers were not allowed to do any work during the strike period. So not only did they have to dramatically change their plans for the season (4 episodes instead of 10) they had to do all the planning and breakdown and real writing once the strike ended, under a much tighter time frame then normal. Once you start season 4 we can tell you what changed.

Toasted Toad

I really hate the ending of this one. Such a shame. However, despite Ruby yelling at them, Dean's plan was a good one. If that one demon hadn't got out to fetch Lilith, they would have been 100% successful and saved Nancy too. Lilith is a demon who gets off on killing - there was no need for her to kill everyone left n the police station. It didn't get her any closer to Sam or Dean. Chilling that she likes to possess a little girl, though (others have already explained that Lilith is most definitely a demon, and a powerful one) It's a real shame about the writers' strike. This was the last episode they had written prior to the strike and I think it shows. Shame we never saw them getting the tattoos. Must have been directly after Sam got possessed in Season 2. As Sam said in reply to the question about when they got them - "not soon enough". For the rest of SPN it's a fun game to play - "spot the tattoo". On the rare occasions we see enough skin to glimpse a tattoo, they move higher or lower so that they are visible/not visible!


I also really liked this episode. Dean is a smart dude, but it's sad thinking that Sam was willing to consider Ruby's plan. He's definitely changed from the Sam we first met in Season 1. And that's what Dean is worried about. But Sam has said that he has to change. To become more like Dean. But that's not like Dean. Sam is pretty smart, so it's concerning that he seems to have not tried to think of something. You know about the writer's strike now, and it definitely does affect the rest of the episodes this season. There was a long break and it wasn't even for sure that they'd even come back to finish the season. But they did. The season story arc definitely changed because of that. Wasn't the time to do it, so it got moved to season 4. And is widely thought that the strike was a good thing for this show.

Nicole Garver

So glad you enjoyed this episode! It’s one of my favorites of the series. I loved Agt. Henriksen, I hate that we didn’t get more of him. Honestly, I think if the writers strike hadn’t been looming they would have used him more. But, they had to shave the season down to get the core story told. As a matter of fact, this episode was written to be a possible season (or possibly series) finale. || This was the first we’ve seen or heard of the anti-possession tattoo. Such a great idea! Of course they could lose a charm or something else that they had to carry, but with a tattoo they’re even protected in the shower. || good to see you back.


An all-time favorite episode for me. Exploring choices and consequences and how they are related to each other in sometimes unwanted and unexpected ways. Plus, I like the boys in custody and seeing their actions from the side of law enforcement. And Henriksen going from the speech he gave them in the cell to the discussion with Dean, with Victor saying he now felt his work with the F.B.I. was wasted -- because he would have taken the more dangerous path to do the most good, if he had known.

Chaos T

In my opinion, this is an easy ten. I really can't find any flaws in this episode. The acting, plot, pace, camera work, etc was on point the entire episode. Even watching it again for probably the third time I'm on the edge of my seat. BTW, great point about Henriksen. He's just doing his job. I can't fault him for his arrogance and actions.

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

This episode is still in my top 10 after 15 seasons. I will FOREVER be pissed that they killed Henricksen. I wanted him to quit his job and become a hunter. I think he would have made a fantastic one. Man, I'm still not over his death