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Vicky N

They are trading Gilead’s Handmaiden because they don’t have fertile women, as the ambassador said, there hasn’t been a single birth in 6 years.

Vicky N

And Aunt Lydia wasn’t being nice, she treats the handmaiden like children or cattle. Being proud of what they are doing to this women, being willing to display the evidence of their torture is not being sympathetic , it’s being a fanatic religious freak.

Kacey Caldwell

I would still call it a terrorist attack. Just a homegrown one. I mean they did attack and it was to take down the government . I always took that sex scene between the Waterfords as being in the present, Its like the first time in a long time that they have had sex, and that its probably the first time in a long time that he has found her attractive. He married a woman who knew her own mind and who would stand up to him and he could bounce ideas off of. But with the way they set up this government , none of that is true anymore. but that night at the party she did things they way she wanted (having the handmaids come in later, giving her little speech) it might have been like seeing a glimpse of the woman her married again So in my mind i dont think Serena thought her place in this new would be like the other wives. I think she thought that she would be different. She had been there from the beginning helping plan things and i think she figured she would keep doing that.