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Daniel R

Been waiting for this episode :)


When Sam first realizes it’s the Trickster and wakes up, I think we’re supposed to understand that some scenario played out off screen and Dean died again.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

This episode is easily the best episode of this season, and even one of my favorites throughout all seasons. I really love it, so thank you so much! I love that we really get to see a number of emotions from Sam throughout this episode, and even the lack of all emotion. And Jared Padalecki is brilliant throughout. This is definitely one where he stands out far above Dean. And on top of it, we have all of the comedy with seeing Dean die over and over and in the funniest, strangest, and saddest of ways. Very funny. Then... we get to see the Trickster again and I absolutely love this character so much. He's so funny, and then we get even more when he actually becomes serious to try to get a dark point through Sam's head, that fighting to save Dean so much will eventually kill Sam, and vice versa. I loved both scenes between Sam and the Trickster. Once again... brilliant! And of course we also get some with Bobby again too. I really love Bobby, so it's always good to have an episode with him in it. :) Yes... the moment Sam hesitates upon being afraid that he actually killed Bobby too. Yikes, but so good. Thank you so much! Until next episode...

Amy Rustand

Yeah, I also think the Trickster immediately woke Sam up again because he realized Sam was putting 2 and 2 together - in the diner in the next iteration the guy Trickster was playing was right back to using the maple syrup again. This was such a fun episode!! "Do these tacos taste funny to you?" is my new favorite line.


Trivia & References Trickster: I swear, it's like talking to a brick wall. Okay, look. This all stopped being fun months ago. You're Travis Bickle in a skirt, pal. I'm over it. Travis Bickle was the obsessed taxi driver played by Robert DeNiro in the Martin Scorsese movie Taxi Driver. From: http://supernaturalwiki.com/3.11_Mystery_Spot


Love this episode so much :) The comedy is so funny and so perfectly executed. But also the emotions Sam goes through as it continues, and then how cold he is when he's alone.


I agree. There was no “death” that time. The Trickster was on the verge of being killed, so he snapped his fingers, and Sam wakes up...and it’s the fateful Wednesday.

Toasted Toad

I don't think so - I think GON was correct - Sam had worked it out, so the day started again immediately.

Toasted Toad

Such a great episode - from the comically absurd to heartbreaking in such a short space of time. Jared puts in a brilliant performance while Jensen enjoys a comedy role.

Amy Rustand

Right? I think it's a bit of a revelation to us (and even Sam?) that Dean helps keep the reins on Sam just as much as we already knew Sam does for Dean. They keep each other human and compassionate. It's not a one-way street of only Dean needing Sam.

Amy Rustand

I really enjoyed seeing the angry, or even emotionless side of Sam. He's clearly not as one-dimensional as I thought.


fun fact: a pig in a poke is a container, commonly a bag that you sell as "a bag of pigmeat" while it is actually cat or dog meat.

Nancy Nicolai

The 2nd half of this episode is where Sam became the Saminator a very scary version of Sam Winchester !😳😎

Sarah Trow

This episode happened during that writers strike that happened....if the strike kept going longer this was gonna be the season finale....just a fun little tidbit😁

Sarah Benedict

Another Spn episode in Storybrooke!!! :) This is a fun one.

Ina Durcekova

Damn, your predictions were so on point it seemed like you watched this before xD

Chaos T

This is SPN at its best.