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i know i said this early on in the series but this episode was another great example. . choice and consequences. . its one of the biggest running themes of the show and unlike most shows these choices and consequences feel more real because they carry forward aand have further effects on the show adding a fantastic continuity episode to episode season to season

Daniel R

Boomer's reaction could be because she isn't human lol or shes just a crazy chick that cant comprehend the ramifications of their actions and what it costs in the end


My only problem with this episode, is the Sergeant...her motives could/should have been fleshed out more. She comes across as some sort of weird power-hungry person, or maybe vengeful or something. Like a scene showing her in the medic station in the beginning, showing that a close friend was severely injured/killed would have made her a better character. That wouldn't have explained why she seems to be completely driven to get the Chief, but it would have given her some motivations. Two points: 1) Cally and the Chief aren't siblings....I don't know why you think they are. Cally's full name is Cally Henderson, although in the credits she is just listed as "Crewman Specialist Cally." Amazon sometimes gets character names wrong if that's where you got the idea. 2) "It's just love" doesn't fly in a combat situation. I mean, it doesn't really even fly in most jobs. Work place romances are not allowed in many jobs, are forbidden in basically every military in the world. And they were given an order to stop by a superior officer in a time of war, which means the punishment for disobeying it could be death. Disobeying a direct order from a superior officer in a time of war is not a small offense. Adama would be legally justified putting them up against a wall and having them shot, without even a trial.

Stephanie Bedworth

I think Boomer's personality is naturally to go on the defensive when questioned about something. It's very likely that she did leave the hatch open. She may not even be aware that she did and would be indignant if someone implied otherwise, especially coming from someone she loves and is so angry at.

Phillip Grischa

What's interesting is that Hadrian was pretty much right accusing the chief, he is protecting Boomer who is a cylon agent. If this was a witch hunt she actually sniffed out the witches.