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Nyssa Rawther 🍉

THE WEEPING ANGEL EPISODE!!!!! I literally JUST read this referenced in Solitaire (Alice Oseman). So cool. Yeah, this episode would give me nightmares.


Dude, way too often you're reacting to your phone and then pretending to have been paying attention by saying "that's crazy" or something like that. These aren't Friends or Sex in The City episodes. Show respect where respect is due. We're out.

Amanda Logsdon

Top 10 episode of the series for me.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

The weeping angels are absolutely terrifying. I've had nightmares from them. But so interesting.


I wasn’t expecting anything else tonight. I was so excited when this one popped up. It is definitely one of my favorites.


This episode is incredible, it has a simple monster that is made absolutely terrifying solely through editing, it’s amazing.

Vicky N

One of the best episode of Doctor Who ever. It has become a classic that even non Whovians have heard about. The structure is perfect, the suspense, the way that it manage to make you care about non main characters in just a few scenes. The doctor is barely in it and Martha Jones has just two sentences, but it works. I am forever weary around Angel statues 😟.

Ari is my Cat

One of my top 5 favorites.

Toasted Toad

Yes, these are known as "Doctor Lite" episodes - while they're filming a larger scale, bigger budget two or three episode story so that the Doctor has more limited availability, they'll make these episodes which don't focus around the Doctor as much as usual. Love and Monsters was a disaster, this one a triumph. Thought of by most as one of the brilliant episodes of Nu Who, in concept and in execution. 9/10 is not enough. This is an easy 10.

Ari is my Cat

Another good example is when they do back to back episodes with one being light on the Doctor and focusing on the companion and the next being light on the companion with the focus on the Doctor (or vice versa)


Man, over the years the weeping angels have lost a lot of their fear factor to me, probably from rewatching blink so many times, but this whole episode is no less great for it. Easily the best thing ever connected to Moffat's name.


Also an interesting fact, the angels never move while on screen. The don't even move when being observed BY THE VIEWER. Literally, they either move when the camera is not on them, or when something blocks them from view for a moment.


Also also, putting this here as a reminder to myself for when you've finished Tennant's run and won't have to worry about spoilers. MUST recommend "Tenth Doctor the Musical".

Melinda Barr

Ranked in my top five NuWho episodes.


Actually, in my view, Coupling Season 2 Episode 9 "The End of the Line" is the best thing ever connected to Moffat's name, but Blink isn't far off ;)


Moffat delivers yet again....


This was my first episode that I saw of Doctor Who and one of my favorites. This girl at work back in like 2012 said she liked Doctor Who and I wasn't sure about it because of the british campiness and sorta cinematography or vfx levels compared to American stuff at the time so I didn't know about watching but she said despite a bit of that from the early seasons that with the characters and story you can look past it once you give it a chance. So she thought this would be a good one to show me and I was hooked after that. Went back and watched the whole series through. Similar thing happened with Buffy back in summer 2002 I happened to see the fight at the end of the ep with Faith body swapping Buffy back in s4 and thought the fight looked cool so I went back and watched from the start and caught up and watch s7 of Buffy and s4 &5 of Angel live and have been hooked for 18 years now. Aside from some newer stuff Buffy/ Angel, Smallville, Supernatural and Doctor Who are my all time favorite shows.