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I normally would rate this ep very low, because I didn't like the monster parts at all. But the brother moments and flash backs are everything! You're halfway through the season already.

Toasted Toad

A very Marmite episode this one - some people love it, some hate it. I used to hate it but perhaps I am coming round a bit now. I agree - I don't think young Dean's actor is particularly good, although young Sam is great. I'm surprised you didn't recognize the necklace - called the "Samulet" amongst the fandom after this episode. There had been speculation almost from the beginning about it, as Dean wears it in every episode. So here we get its story. I find the ending so sad. We tend to see the guys in action - saving people, hunting things etc. But now, especially with the flashbacks, we see what their lives are really like. Sad and lonely. No place to live, no family or friends except each other. Sam might have lived another way for a while in college, but Dean never has. It explains a lot about his personality. So although the end is kind of happy, with Sam doing Christmas for Dean, I always find it tremendously sad as we see they really have nothing for themselves. Fun fact for this episode - unknown to Jensen, Jared had liberally spiked that eggnog, so Dean's surprise at the excessive alcohol was Jensen's RL reaction.


I love this episode. As Toasted Toad said, Dean has worn the Samulet in every episode including the pilot. In the episode Skin when the shape shifter had turned into Dean and taken his clothes, they specifically showed Dean taking it back from the dead shape shifter.


I’ve watched this very late, every Christmas Eve, for the past 8 years. It’s my own private little tradition, after all the next-day prep is done and everyone else is asleep. Near and dear to my heart. ❤️

Brenda Lewis

That spinning "SPECIAL" intro is something Eric Kripke got from CBS. Back in the 80s it was used for a Christmas specials. I don't remember which ones, but I remember that intro. When I saw that I knew this was going to be a good one.

Nicole Garver

For me, the most important part of the episode was finding out that Sam was the one who gave Dean the necklace (or amulet) that he wears. If you go back and look, you’ll see that he’s worn it in every episode. The fandom calls it ‘the Samulet’. || The ewwwww reaction you had to the pagan god pulling out Sam’s nail was the same as mine. I’ve never been able to watch it again - each time I rewatch, I cover my eyes at that part. I’m with you though, I LOVE Mr. and Mrs. Pagan-God. The actors were really good. || I’ve never understood the choice to have young Dean react to young Sam’s question about Mary in such an over blown way. It takes me out of the scene every time. Otherwise, I think both actors do a good job. It seems fitting to me that the kid who plays Dean was a young Johnny Cash in ‘Walk The Line’. Dean would like that I think.


I love the Carrigans, too! But I absolutely cannot watch Sam’s fingernail—I pretend that didn’t happen, since, y’know, he never mentions it afterwards. 😉

Scarlett Monrow

1) 40:05 - I literally paused this reaction to find that out. Yes, fingernails do grow back, but when the nail is torn out there is a big chance of it growing very slow, malformed and brittle. (2) This link is to a 3 minute video where Eric Kripke (creator) talks about making of this episode. It's hilarious and Kripke is amazing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMVlimFSL9M

Nancy Nicolai

Yes nails do grow back when pulled out I know this bc I have had this done to me so when I rewatch the scene of Sam getting his nail ripped out I've got no problem seeing it also it takes forever to grow back and this reaction was good but looking forward to the next 4 reaction for many reasons can't wait!!

Nancy Nicolai

Eric Kripke is so twisted and such a genius the things that seem to make him laugh also make me laugh and every Supernatural fan should watch #TheBoys have you bc it comes from the insane mind of The Creator Eric Kripke he's just awesome!!