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Dani C

What??? Oh wow. I came home and was excited to see ep 22. Just threw a little comment on there prior to watching, and while the file was downloading I checked my email and saw a notification for this one! I have a double bill to watch:) *happy dance*


<img src="https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/3/eyJ3IjoxNjAwfQ%3D%3D/patreon-comment/HXoL6Iq99vMVD5BGHbuAXK6vV1vbtyaZiPa3DTyCdgLWfAOfiZPlEG1p7KVZ2uVG.jpg?token-time=1626998400&token-hash=Bvq8NQNGxdLi3XYuwWk7c0nCx04E460tpJ5NuM29ZUc%3D">


Love this episode, great twist at the end. As for subtitles, I don't mind them, I sometimes use subtitles myself


Love this episode so much. Excited for season 2! Subtitles don’t bug me FYI.


Subtitles are fine, I recommend everyone watching what you comment about, let him figure stuff out on his own, with no helping :) Looking forward to season 2!


The Machine isn't God... Amy Acker is. That is all.

Dani C

Subtitles are totally fine.

Vicky N

Fantastic season finale. Imagine having to wait months to find out what happens next. The last scene was set up in a previous episode, the one where Reese was following Finch an he sees him answer the public phone and immediately after call Reese telling him they have a new number. Now we have the payoff with the added thrill of Reese directly addressing the machine and getting maybe some kind of response. About Root (yes we already know her name), I am so happy that you didn’t guess the reveal. Amy Acker is such a good actress.

Vicky N

I don’t mind the subtitles either.

DJ Doena

As a non-native speaker I started watching English audio with subtitles many moons ago. Since then I've been phasing them out except for strong dialect shows like True Blood. By now I don't mind either way if they're there I just absorb them with the rest of the picture.

Dani C

I have really enjoyed watching you discover this first season :) I am very excited to see S2 E1 .

Felix Huang

Root is amazing and we will quote everything she says.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for a fun and exciting reaction for season one's finale of Person of Interest!!! I love this episode so much. It's definitely another of my favorite. Granted... I know I have a lot of favorites, which are: Cura Te Ipsum, Witness, Number Crunch, Super, Root Cause, Baby Blue, Flesh and Blood, Many Happy Returns, No Good Deed, and lastly, Firewall too. However, they're all just so amazing for me. Few more so than the rest. Mostly... these final three episodes. I love the overall storyline throughout this episode as Reese fights to save Caroline Turing from HR, while also trying to save himself from them and the FBI. I love how Carter and Fusco finally come to realize they are both working for Reese and Finch, and I'm thrilled that Fusco didn't die like you were so worried about. :) I also love seeing them come together in the end to save Reese from getting killed by HR once he gets Caroline to safety, thinking she will find Finch and that they'll be okay. However... we have the big reveal that Caroline is only an alias in which she creates so that she can lure Finch out into the open. I love that she turns out to be Root, who yes... we did learn the name she goes by in the end of the episode, Root Cause. I didn't expect this at all and I absolutely love it. And I love her character a lot. And just to let you know... she is the same actress who plays Nova the Pink Fairy in Once Upon a Time... Amy Acker. Their characters though, are just extremely different, that I totally understand why you weren't so sure if they were. Root is an amazing change from her being clumsy and perky Nova. Because Root turns out to be so dark and crazy. :) I just love that Root hired HR to put a hit on herself in order to put her plan to finally meet Harold, into action. I love how she compares her crazy decision to a trust fall exercise too, only adding to the fun and dark mystery she's continued to present us with as the show's viewers. I also really like that Zoe Morgan, the Fixer, was brought in by Finch to help them to discover who Caroline really is and why HR might want her dead. It was nice to have her back. And lastly... I love how Reese comes out into the streets and looks up at one of the security cameras as he then talks to the Machine, sternly asking it for help to save Finch. And then... the phone in front of Reese rings, as Reese then answers it. Now... I have never heard of the show you mentioned here to compare this scene to, so I don't know if this is meant to be a reference or a nod to it in any way. But I really love it and I can't wait for your reactions for season two!!! :) Thank you again so much! Your continued reactions as always, are so much fun and I really appreciate them. :) Until next time...


Tip for the next episode, don’t skip the recap because it’s not all recap

Felix Huang

Last episode, the way that Finch got the number will be different going forward. A payphone would just ring rather than getting a text and picking up a near by payphone. It is unclear why the change, but I think it is more dramatic for the phone to just spontaneously ring.

Paul Fisher

Like you, I loved the HAL reference at the end. I think the homage to "2001:A Space Odyssey" was very intentional. We'll have to wait and see how or if it might be relevant.

Felix Huang

I also got a Matrix vibe as Neo interacts with payphone in the middle of a street.

Dr. Foppo

Obviously the show is a few years old (almost 10 years old) but from today's point of view: of course Reese - someone "the admin" trusts - would be able to talk to the machine. The machine is the God AI. If we can talk to fucking Alexa, why wouldn't The Machine be able to communicate^^