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I've noticed you've been looking at your phone (I assume that's what it is) a lot in the reactions I've been watching lately. Might help if you put it across the room or something when you're doing them... Just a thought.


Yea, usually looking at notifications im getting. As I'm recording I'm uploading other reactions so that they can be done by the time I move on to another. Its becuase of playing catch up that while I'm recording I'm uploading and rendering other reactions getting them ready to go on Patreon. I have ot so they send me notifications to my phone and also notifications from YouTube or Patreon. Sometimes it's a text or I'm looking up an actor for the show. But I have been glued to my phone lately becuase of the amount of stuff I'm putting up and trying to catch up. I will try to be better about it.

DJ Doena

Regarding "gods": The entire mythology of the classic and this show is based on the pre-abrahamic religions like the Egyptians and the Greeks who all had a pantheon of gods with different responsibilities. Gods like Apollo and Athena. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo The 1978 series' intro alluded to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hrd767Xzfk

DJ Doena

Non-spoilery side note regarding the card game: It is obviously Poker IN SPACE (look up the trope *g*) but they made a mistake with the name. On this show it's called Triad. And a ball sport that we'll see later in the show is called Pyramid. Both these games existed in the original show as well, except the names were reversed. Winning hands in the card game are like Full Colors (probably something like a Flush, Starbuck had one in the mini series) but also Full Pyramid (Full House?).


The barely-harnessed, seething rage simmering just under the surface that Edward James Olmos gives you in that scene is a pretty amazing piece of acting. Par for the course for him... you have to recognize that the Commander was so angry because she'd effectively been lying to him for years. As you can see from the flashbacks in this episode, he didn't meet her until after Zack died. Yet, as you point out, he treats her more like his own daughter than he treats Lee like his son. You have to put yourself in his position - this isn't a warm, open human being, he's pretty closed off, and yet he let this person become close to him, and it turns out she was responsible for the death of his son. And allowed him to think it was an accident. That is an absolutely heinous betrayal, particularly for someone who, being the military man he is, would value loyalty above just about everything else. And now you've got Starbuck, who is actually a highly emotional, somewhat unstable person, who already blames herself for the death of her fiancee, having just experienced that... you have to think that a wing of Cylon raiders, a chance to go out in a blaze of glory, is just what the doctor ordered. That's a character focused narrative, and why this episode probably warrants a 9.


... Oh, also, Lee probably wasn't in a viper because it wasn't his shift. I don't think it's ever explained in any detail during the series, but the Alert Fighters are effectively on a shift. As you probably guessed, they're are a bunch of pilots who are ready at all times to launch on zero notice. This is in addition to the CAP (Combat Air Patrol), which is a team of two fighters who are constantly flying around the fleet effectively being "on the lookout", and if they see a threat, report it to the CIC (Combat Information Centre) so that Galactica Actual (whatever officer is in the CIC commanding Galactica) can respond by giving the order to launch the Alert Fighters. As the CAG (Commander of the Air Group), Lee is responsible for scheduling these shifts and he's in charge if he's out there, but he can't be awake 24/7, so he can't be part of every shift. ... Yeah, there's a lot of military lingo in this show. One of many things to love about it is the attempt at creating a credible military atmosphere. I recall an article about an active military officer who wrote in to thank the creators for how well they depicted the difficulties faced by someone in command.

Janeka Rector

The only other thing I can point out after all these episodes is that Caprica is one of 12 planets (the colonies) destroyed by the Colon invasion. So it’s not just one world destroyed. It’s 12 other planets as well.

Scarlett Monrow

1) I don't know if you noticed, but Hot Dog is played by Bodie Olmos and he is the son of Edward James Olmos (Adama). 2) 46:32 - you can just look away!


Thanks that makes sense, now I will try not to mention it as much when I dont see him out there

DJ Doena

In the 80s showing glimpses of the episode to come was a common technique on TV shows. It's basically a teaser trailer directly before the episode. It's meant to peak your interest so you won't switch channels for something else. BG is paying homage to that era. But the "previews" are always designed in a way that they don't actually give anything away. They're sometimes even deliberately misleading.

Hazel Angus

You say "7 pilots dead" - actually it was worse, 13 pilots died, 7 were injured. How I deal with the opening teaser is I just look away or close my eyes. You can hear by the sound when it ends, so it's easy to avoid it. :-)

Hazel Angus

Starbuck is THE best fighter pilot, at least the best Cmdr Adama's seen. Even Tigh agrees that she's the best shot in the cockpit, and for Tigh to compliment her at all is pretty major. Plus the Cylon Raiders are actually pretty weak, certainly on their own or in small packs. Their real strength is in being able to hack the Colonial ships' computers and stop them dead, and that advantage is gone now because the pilots are using old ships. Even Hot Dog got one, even though he's new. When they have the advantage of mass numbers and supported by a Cylon baseship they do much better, but a battlestar is powerful, even an old one. There's a reason the Cylons didn't attack the Colonials in a a direct shooting war and went for disabling their defenses and computers first. 90 battlestars (the size of the fleet acc. to miniseries) would have wiped the floor with them.