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Ari is my Cat

The episode really just is a set up episode.

Ari is my Cat

I knew asshole kids in New York where I went to school. There were also plenty of them in Virginia Beach. Just nasty kids who like making other kids feel like shit. Even in the Navy you had people like that, the difference being that when you ran into people like that in the Navy you tended to get back at them. I remember one petty officer was shitty to his guys so one night one of the guys came back drunk as fuck and pissed on the dude while he was sleeping. Dude was in serious trouble but the petty officer was a lot less shitty to his people afterwards.

Ari is my Cat

Yes Cassidy "Beaver" Casablancas and Dick Casablancas are in fact brothers.

Ari is my Cat

Veronica had sex with Duncan at that party when she was drugged. She had no memory of it so she may as well be a virgin. We only know she was making out like a teenager over the summer.

Alexis Cardarella

Be careful with too much time spend in front of the screen, as it can definitely cause migraines.. Torchwood Boy actually had related issues from spending too much of his time reacting and editing. So definitely take much needed breaks. I always worried about that when I started watching reactions- like I can just tell when people are getting lethargic from it


Oh yeah, there are asshole kids. It's sad to say but there is a lot. In my school in France, I was harassed one year for no reason, I just didn't please one popular kid and they all followed even those who were not basically naughty. And some of them, often the popular ones, just want to make people feel bad because it makes them feel more superior...


yeah more of a set up episode. I agree with you about the decision to put veronica with Duncan, but that has more to do with my dislike of the character and actor. the logan Candance scenario seems a bit filler at this moment as well. for me season 2 has a bit of a slow start and picks up a bit from the midway point if I remember correctly.