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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for another great reaction! I really enjoy this episode a lot. I love both the main storyline in the present day and how the security officer wound up being both the victim and perpetrator, as well as the backstory revealing how the CIA turned on Reese and his partner Kara by turning them against one another. It's brilliant! Also... in answer to your question about whether or not Reese's and Finch's pasts meet... the answer is yes. If you go back and watch the episodes titled, Super and Wolf and Cub, the woman we see talking to Reese, Kara, and Agent Snow in the flashback of this episode, just before Snow gives Reese the orders to kill Kara, is the same woman talking to Finch's nephew (his best friend's son) about his father's mysterious past and the about the Machine. This woman's name is Alicia Corwin. In those episodes, Alicia is looking for the Machine and its creator. In this episode, we see she's also involved with the division in the CIA for which Reese worked for in his past. And then... in the end, we learn that Kara survived the bombing, as she kills Snow's partner and shoots him, but leaves him alive so she can interrogate him for whatever her reasons for do so are. It's getting exciting! :) Thank you!!

Felix Huang

We also learned that Kara has done some digging into the machine, which may or may not had lead to their doom.


I agree with a lot of what you say. The only thing is that Tommy had no prior history and was married and had a kid so they didn’t have a reason to doubt him really. But I do agree about the girl.

Vicky N

Excellent episode! A lot of things happening at once. A big revelation about the machine. Not everything is explained yet about the flashback and the mission in China and why the trap was set up to get rid of both Kara and Reese. By the way now that we know that Kara is still alive and that she knows something about the machine, you are rato hypothesize that she could be our mysterious Root. And although we don’t know anything about her computer skills, she is at least as good a trained spy/assasin as Reese, she was his CIA handler. As Heidi said in the previous comment, we’ve seen Alice in previous flashbacks as well as in present time.


Dude, calm down with the spoilery stuff. Yeesh. Let him speculate about stuff without giving him hints.


This is one of those episodes that's got a pretty paint-by-numbers plot for the "mission of the week", but does a lot in terms of the serialized plot and backstory for Reese, and it's pretty well acted and well written, so all in all, 8 seems fair.

Dani C

I checked patreon while I was having my morning coffee getting ready for work - so I've gone the whole day at work, knowing i had this to watch when I got back :)

Dani C

The first case where Carter stops the girlfriend from shooting hr boyfriend, I think Carter pushed the gun as the woman pulled the trigger, to skew the shot up We cut away before the gun goes off and when we are back in the bar, Carter already has hold of the woman's arm and is reaching to take the gun off her -

Dani C

I do't think it is crazy to speculate whether she could be Root. They've left that identity hidden - so that kind of invites speculation whenever a potential adversary comes along

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

By the way... Matsya Nyaya is interpreted as "law of the fish"... a Hindu theory in which they believe in a fundamental law of nature saying that small fish become prey to the little fish. This is why Reese states, "Law of the fish" to the perpetrator just before he's killed by his girlfriend. I like this saying, because in most cases when it comes to criminals and their criminal activity, it's pretty much true all the time. Just like we see here within this episode.