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Marissa Brady

I have watched the flashpoint series. It is a really great police drama. I hope react to more episodes.


Thanks for your reaction really enjoyed it, Since you were wondering about the Team structure, each SRU Team has a Team Leader and a Team Sergeant, the Sergeant of a Team is the only one in the Team that is higher ranking so he can overrule any decisions made. The Teamleader is the same rank as the rest (Constable). The Sergeant and the Team Leader work usually together to plan. Think of it more like that, the Team Sergent is the actual leader (higher rank, can overrule any decision and is usually the one doing the negotiations and giving the command for lethal action if negotiations fail) and the Team Leader is more doing the tacitcal leading in the field to take a bit of the workload from the Team Sergeant. I think it was pretty clear towards the end for you aswell but yes, the sniper wasn't in trouble really. It is just the usual procedure after a lethal shooting that it gets investigate and unlike other shows they actually take the time to show it (or even care about it, some just completly ignore it) and make it a pretty significant segment, which is something I really like. No what the doctor said definitly was ment sarcastic, she pretty much just pointed out that she knows that he is suffering from all of this (or atleast some of it) and that he just claims to be "fine". It wasn't the first person he shot (like the officer that arrested him said for example "you know the drill" and also that he usually is "Sierra One" so it's hinted that he had to kill before). Overall why I like the show so much (without giving away much) is the more "realistic" and slow approach they take. If we compare that for example to the recent SWAT show from the US, that was mostly shooting shooting, action, shooting and a few explosions aswell just for fun. Not really what a real Swat team would do, this show feels just so much more belivable since they actually take time for negotiations (which honestly came up short a lot in the pilot, it plays a much more significant role in the following episodes) and that lethal is shows to be the last option and not the first (and that it has consequences, not just professional ones but personal ones aswell). Well again, thanks for the reaction and I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Kayla Madrid

I know it’s been a while. But are you going to watch more? I for one really enjoy this series. I’ve watched it so many times.