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I almost screamed out loud when I saw this notification. I haven't been this excited and in love -- joyful about -- a show since Buffy first premiered. A few nonspoilery things: The series is based on a book, and the authors are some of the most creative I've ever read. Also, "douchey" is a spot-on description of Gabriel, and that made me cackle with glee. Loved this reaction, I so hope you end up continuing the show. 😁

Dani C

me too!!! I loved the book, and the series really captured the atmosphere.

Dani C

Brilliant - loved this reaction :) Glad you enjoyed it. And for what was important about who raised the kid, I think they wanted him raised in a powerful family. And, u'know, it plays on the plot of the Omen as well


Loved the book and loved what they did with it. I hope you react to the series - so good.

Marissa Brady

Yay for the Good Omens Reactions! When the show first came out I binged watched it in two days. It was such an amazing show. I'm currently reading the book and it is fantastic also. It reminds me a little bit of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I absolutely love David Tennant as the Demon Crowley. I love him as the Doctor and so seeing him in a new series like this... brilliant. I really like Michael Sheen as the Angel Aziraphel a lot too. And to have them work together to try to stop Armageddon so they can remain on Earth and remain friends is fantastic! I just love this show's whole concept, and yes... it's artistic just like one of my all time favorite shows, Pushing Daisies like you said. So good. :) Thank you so much for your reaction, and I hope you will continue to watch all six episodes. :)

Lea Connor

It's a Brill show. I love David Tennant and Michael Sheen. Michael's innocence as Aziraphale is amazing considering he is the father in Prodigal Son and was the main werewolf bad guy in Underworld. You would never guess they were all the same person.

Tammy L. Faulkner

So, I finally finished watching this show, at the moment have the first three on my Patreon reaction channel Positive Vibe Reactions... I just started, and I looked it up to see if there’s going to ever be a second season. I has been announced after 3 yrs now that they are in the proccess right now of recording season 2. It took me over a month to get through thoes 6 episodes but only because I'm still trying to figure things out for my channels and how to do stuff. It's a good show, and I for sure recommend getting back into it.