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This episode was silly for me. Regina stole money and used it to build a playground and that somehow makes it okay? Most people would not be okay with that. The genie stuff could have been good, but for some reason everything has to relate back to Rumpel or the Evil Queen. Hopefully that changes, because it’s getting so obvious at this point


Yep. I guessed it last episode that mystery man has something to do with the book.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Yay!! Thank you so much for another reaction for Once Upon a Time, for season one's episode titled, Fruit of the Poisonous Tree. I like this episode over all. Although, It isn't nearly one of my favorite episodes from season one, and it's definitely the weakest episode this season for me too, it's still enjoyable. Mostly because I love how it was that Sidney wound up a prisoner trapped within Regina's magic mirror. It is a brilliant twist for his character that I never saw coming, as is Sidney being a Genie from Agrabah on top of it. Brilliant. It's never established whether or not this Genie, is meant to be the Genie from Aladdin, but most people assume so because Sidney is from Agrabah. For me... I choose to just see him as a random Genie, as there are most likely more than one. Also, as far as Emma's superpower goes... her ability to tell when someone is lying at times seems wonky. However, in this case... I don't believe that Sidney ever once lied to Emma. He was manipulating Emma for Regina yes, but he never once actually lied to her about what he was doing. Regina did actually fire Sidney from The Mirror (the newspaper), and if you pay careful attention to Sidney's past storyline upon him discovering that Regina had manipulated him all along to get him to kill King Leopold for her, we see that Sidney absolutely holds a grudge against Regina and despises her for her despite still being unable to let go of his love for her. So when Sidney spouts off to Emma about how he distrusts Regina and is angry with her for being so manipulative, for firing him, etc... it's all true. He loves Regina and is still working for her, but at the same time he despises her and doesn't trust her. Plus... Emma never did outright ask Sidney if he was still working for Regina to try to set her up, she never asked him if he had anything to do with cutting the brakes on her car, etc... Therefore... Sidney technically never lied to Emma, which is why both Regina and Sidney were able to get away with manipulating Emma so perfectly. They were very careful and tricky. Now... like I said before, I really like the twist with Sidney being a Genie and becoming trapped within Regina's mirror because of his own wish given to him from King Leopold. In the beginning, Sidney stated that all wishes come with a price, like all magic, and he never intended to use it for himself because he knew of the consequences. And yet, after everything Regina did to him, he misguidedly wanted to punish Regina for her betrayal and thinking that by him always being by her side, would do just that. Little did he realize that making this wish meant he would become even more of a slave to her and that he would forever become forced to do her bidding. The consequence of his wish, or the fruit of the poisonous tree as the title of this episode suggests. It's a brilliant twist and I really liked it a lot. As for King Leopold... yes, he was a good man, a good King, and a good father, even a good husband to his first wife. However, he was a lousy husband to Regina and it was absolutely wrong of him to treat Regina as he did. And he read her personal diary, then had her locked away within her own room. Very wrong indeed. But then... Regina also left her diary out for her husband to find and hoped it would be enticing to get him to read it, so that he would come to fall into her trap she set up for him too. And then... she pleads with Sidney to kill Leopold by claiming that her only chance to be free and to love Sidney, was for the King to die. And sadly, Sidney falls for it. Regina is clever to give Sidney a weapon he can use to do so with from his own kingdom, the Agrabah Viper. And unfortunately, Sidney doesn't see the cleverness in her plan to use this snake until it's too late. I do absolutely agree with you about David and Mary Margaret having their affair. Honestly, I have a really difficult time with any storyline involving affairs in any show, movie, and especially affairs in real life. Needless to say... I think they're wrong and it shows that those who cheat on their loved ones don't really love them. Obviously, David is truly in love with Mary Margaret even if he doesn't understand why, and not Kathryn who he feels obligated to love, but... well I won't continue with this train of thought. I just don't care much for this affair storyline so much because I simply just want David and Mary Margaret to be together and for Kathryn to find happiness with someone else. However, this brings me to my next thought. Under the curse, everyone is kind of the opposite of who they truly are, or at least they are too afraid to be who they truly are. The curse causes them to make mistakes that their true selves would never make. However, for one example... in the Enchanted Forest, Charming is known to be charming, brave, honest, and noble. And under the curse, David is for the most part quite the opposite. He means well and he tries, but he always seems to fail and fall short. That's the curse making them different from who they really are and it's not just David that the curse effects this way. Mary Margaret, Kathryn, and everyone else is effect by the curse this way too. David is the character I chose to point this out about with because the actor who plays him... Josh Dallas once pointed this out in a interview he gave and I really always loved how he explained the kind of men Charming and David are. And as for what King Leopold said to the Genie just before he died, he states that he never should have wished for the Genie to be free. Like Sidney said to him, all wishes come at a price, like all magic does. And in freeing the Genie, he later kills the King upon becoming manipulated by Regina. I really loved this about the episode upon them bringing this back like you said too. Next... Sidney was foolish to fall for Regina's deception and absolutely wrong to kill King Leopold for her even it he believed Regina's lies. And was Regina ever cruel and devious. But after all... she is the Evil Queen. As for her crying... I feel that perhaps a small part of her might have appreciated that Sidney felt for her the way he did and was sorry for setting him up like she did because he truly and foolishly loved her. Regina's past has yet to be revealed at this point, but she's made it pretty clear that love is very scarce in her life. Now, back to the Storybrooke storyline with Emma and Henry, etc... Sadly, Emma fell for Sidney's and Regina's deceptions too, and she paid for her mistakes. For awhile, she's lost her rights to be with Henry and its really sad. Emma absolutely made a mistake by allowing herself to fall down to Regina's level and it's fair for her to be penalized for her role in their deceptions. Unfortunately, Regina won this battle because she was smart. And while it's sad that Regina had Henry's castle torn down, it was still good of Regina to build him a newer, perhaps safer place for him and the other children to play. And as for the design of the new playhouse... it's designed after the Evil Queen's castle in the Enchanted Forest, as it appears in Henry's storybook. As far as the Stranger's role in this episode, no matter how brief it was... I really like his interaction with Henry inside Granny's Diner and how he mysteriously keeps asking Henry questions about the storybook. I also like how Henry is also suspicious of him like Emma and Regina are. And then... in the end we discover that this Stranger is the one who found Henry's book and now has it in his possession. And lastly... I did enjoy David's and Mary Margaret's brief scene together, even if they are having an affair. At least, in their minds they are. It's unfortunate that their cursed memories are making them believe that they are having an affair and that Kathryn will wind up being hurt by their affair should she find out. But that's what this curse is meant to do... make everyone trapped within it miserable because they're not themselves. And Regina's loving their misery too. Overall... this was a good episode. It was interesting to learn about who Sidney Glass really is and just how deep he is in with Regina within both worlds. Thank you again, so much! As always... I enjoyed this reaction from you and I can't wait for more!!

Ceara Abrahamsz

Yeah, I don’t like the cheating storyline either. The fact that we have to watch David cheat on his Fake wife with his Real wife is kind of ridiculous. I just can’t wait for the next episode! Hoping that it redeems itself for you after this unimpressive episode. 🙏❤️

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I'm in 100% agreement. This cheating storyline is my least favorite throughout the season, as much as I absolutely love Snow and Charming together. Despite them being one of my favorite couples throughout the series.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Geeked Out Nation... I truly hope you don't think I am trying to convince you to like what you don't like about the show in any way, at any time. You absolutely have every right to like and dislike what you do about Once Upon a Time, and I certainly respect you wholeheartedly for saying what you think about every aspect of this show. Please... please... please understand that my comments are simply to help give you knowledge from what I've learned while watching the show, and that they are simply my own opinions as well. I read what you wrote on YouTube on your feelings towards the cheating storyline between Xander and Willow on Buffy, as well as your dislike for Buffy's relationship with Angel. I watched bits and pieces of this series a long time ago, along with Angel too and I really don't like them in the slightest, which is why I don't watch your reactions for them. But I agree with you on your dislike for these storylines. What I'm trying to say is... I just don't want you to feel that I am trying to persuade you to like a relationship or storyline, and even an entire episode such as this one, which you are most definitely free to dislike. Thank you again for continuing to watch my favorite show despite its flaws, especially as often as you do. :) Sincerely, Heidi


That was more about YouTube comments and people being upset or mad and saying they cant watch me becuase I dont like Buffy and Angel. They say they cant watch me becuase of that. My YouTube post was just saying that those that dont like my opinions on those characters that maybe they should not watch becuase my opinion does not get better towards the relationship. It has nothing to do with Patreon. You guys and gals here are always respectful which I love.

Staton Chapman

I really don't see their relationship as cheating bc without the curse they are technically married

Staton Chapman

He became the mirror bc if wishes arent worded specifically anything can possibly happen


I understand Regina's feelings for Emma, ​​she's constantly there right in the middle, playing the heroes, demanding to see Henry as she abandon him for whatever reason, it's done then suddenly she wants to be his mother in short for me Regina whether appreciated or not by Henry is his real mother she raised him, she was there for him in every moment of this life, he did not lack for anything and she loves him even if she doesn't always show it correctly, it's her mom not her classmate like emma seems to be. It's really hard to appreciate a character like Emma who plays the victim all the time, playing the astonishment at being not welcome by Regina when Regina specifically told her that she wanted her out of Henry's life. For me, and this is rare, but because generally in the shows several characters bring something to the series whether they are good or bad, but sincerely there is Regina who for me seems more human, reacting with her emotions and Mr Gold who is so mysterious and interpreted well, they are the only ones that bring something to the show. So maybe after discovering their identity it will be more exciting, but until now without both it would be bland and boring.