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Dani C

6:30pm - home from work - log into patreon - nuffink new: *sad face* - 7:20, check emails - see patreon notification: *happy dance*

Dani C

The whole clothes thing comes and goes. There isn't any real consistency on it. If it is useful or adds in some way to an episode it becomes an issue - otherwise they just send 'em out in whatever they were wearing when they went into the Tardis. Sometimes Rose wore clothes from the wardrobe, sometimes she wandered around 1940s London in flared jeans and a skintight union Jack t-shirt.

John Smith

Personally I'm not a huge fan of this episode, it's just one of those ones I'm never really eager to rewatch. Nothing horrible about it though, I like the idea that some species can use words as power instead of the maths and science we use here - would've been interesting to learn more about that.

Dani C

This could have been a good episode, had they cast better witches and gone for something a little less hokey in the character design


I have a soft spot for this episode, mostly because I howled with laughter for 5 minutes at the EXPELLIARMUS ending when I first watched this. Good ol' JK. :)

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I really loved that Shakespeare was brought into this episode. I have a deep love for Shakespeare's writings. I especially love Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet. I also loved how much the Doctor and Martha admired him, and that it was because of his powerful words that he was able to defeat the witches. But like you, I didn't care much for the witches. This show is known for being cheesy and having villains that are cheesy, but for these witches... they didn't appeal much to me either. However, I did like the special effects for all of the witches coming through the portal. It was a pretty cool moment. I also loved the Doctor's cheekiness when he's talking with Shakespeare, who keeps asking to take some of the words the Doctor says, as well as when the witch tries to kill him and Martha remembers he has two hearts. The Doctor is very cheeky and I love him for that. And lastly... I completely understand what you mean that by you being critical with one episode, doesn't mean you're not enjoying the series so far. I was worried that you might not be enjoying Person of Interest so much, but you seemed to really enjoy this latest episode you've posted, so I was very happy about that. I'm glad that you speak you mind about what you feel towards every episode of the shows you watch and that you don't allow others' opinion to dissuade you from watching and enjoying them or not. Thank you so much!

Vicky N

This episode is nothing special, but it’s not too bad. I like the concept of words having special powers and the fact that they choose one of the most famous wordsmith in history to represent it is very cool. The actor who played Shakespeare was great. I like the little game throughout with the doctor suggesting famous Shakespeare line to him, a subtle reference to the theory about multiple writers behind the Shakespeare persona. As someone has commented before, contrary to what you remember, the appropriate time period costume was never consistent, in effect in the werewolf episode Rose was dressed in a very modern jeans minidress and a T-shirt. And in that episode it was Queen Victoria, in this one Queen Elisabeth the 1rst, they are at least 300 years apart in history.


the doctors companions have always changed, like the doctor. It was just time to change it up.