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"For ~reasons." 😂😂😂😂 Yeah, I'd say that's a pretty good summation of this episode. Sorry you're bummed about Angel's return. I agree they could have handled it better, but I think they were already in talks for David's show, and needed to rush through his return (I.e., neglect good storytelling for the sake of clearing up lingering story arcs). I don't think it's a spoiler to say that he does have some really good moments this season, though, ironically enough, most of my faves came in the form of the little asides that no one comments on and don't have a lot to do with the major character arcs across the season. But that's neither here nor there -- there's some good stuff coming, promise! Just hang on a bit. :D Another good reaction from you, thanks!


I promise, the season gets much much better! Unlike S2 where the weaker episodes are scattered about, they're all pretty much bunched together at the beginning of S3 although I have to say I didn't hate this one but I think it might be the worst of the season. I liked all the stuff with Oz but didn't really care for the Jekyll and Hyde story. As for Angel, I get why your mad, its not that you hate him, it's more that you feel you don't know him because everything with Angel revolves around Buffy. I think that's why I'm not a fan of their romance but trust me, he gets better this season and he's fantastic in his own show. Unfortunately I also agree that several things feel rushed but the season is so good that it would be impossible to tell all the different stores properly in just 22 episodes. Enjoyed the reaction!

Trey Moore

Angel's definitely better in his own show than he is here in Buffy. In Buffy, everything about Angel is based on how it relates to Buffy and how it affects her. In his own show, since he's the main character, they finally add some layers and do more things with him. For this season, there's some stuff about Angle you may like, but mostly I think you'll be putting up with it. In these early years, there's still this aspect of "we need to snap back to the status quo as quickly as possible." You're seeing that a lot in the beginning of season 3 here.


I think they just tend to use the beginning of the season to tie up some loose ends, with the point being "Let's move on to the next story." Yeah, this episode has its moments (mostly Oz), but it was mostly a misfire. Focusing on people we don't know or care about, not even for a single previous episode... just a bad choice. And yes, it smacks of "very Special Episode" territory. I liked Platt, too. I think he'd have been an awesome recurring character, poking holes in Buffy's occasional forays into the melodramatic, but not knowing about the vampire world. It's surprising that this was a Marti Noxon episode; she was in far enough with the production that she probably <i>could</i> have introduced a new character who'd come back; it's not like she was a random on-contract writer who had to hit the reset button at the end of a spec script.

Catherine Thurmond

Dont be to hard on yourself I've never been a Bangel fan I mean I get their emotions and all that but their relationship never touched me like Willow/Oz or Cander or even Spike and Dru. I wasn't a big fan of Angel either. So I get it but in my opinion Angel does get better in his show like he becomes more flesh out and not just love interest. On the episode itself this has to be one of two this season that I dont like which sucks because I love Willow cold blooded jellydoughnut thing and Oz being badass and any time I can see Faith dance is a treat but on the whole I dont like this episode either. Sorry for the longness and rant-y nessness.💜

Alexis Cardarella

I think you have many valid disagreements, but half of them are not considering how dated this is, and how it was the first of its kind, along with the sopranos, doing long arcs of anything. This episode is like a 7/10 for me. Because of the reasons your said. Like, I can imagine id feel how you feel about Angel and his arc if I hadn’t watched this in high school before tv drama was in its prime. I would consider so many things to be cliche and trite and much cornier

Alexis Cardarella

But you’ve got to consider the factors. Mainly its time relativism

Vicky N

I don’t like Bangel either but I think it’s a little early to predict how the relationship will be from now on, based on what happened in this episode. Yes, by the end he saved Buffy, but it doesn’t mean it is a return to the status quo. Give the writers some credit. As for this episode, not one of the best, very after school special and clumsy. Too many themes are bungled together and in the end, you don’t know what they want to say. The beasts, plural, in the title should be referred to the 3 men-monsters in this episode and the difference between them as explained by Giles to Buffy. One beast chooses to not be controlled by his nature, one beast manages to control his nature through love, and one beast embraces his nature and is the real monster. All that get contradicted by Faith affirming all men are beast. Those interesting themes are then undercut by the domestic abuse/Jekyll and Hyde storyline.


The first 15-20 minutes is very strong but yeah, once they reveal Pete as the villain, it started going downhill from there.


Marti Noxon, who wrote this episode, is known for writing some of the best episodes of the series including Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered. Hell, over half of the episodes in the second half of Season 2 seem to be written by her (yes, including Bad Eggs, but I forgive that). Her best are yet to come though...

Renee Pope-Munro

This is far more accurate and relevant than many int hear comments seem to realise. Sadly, I’ve known many, many Debbie’s. Trough the prism of “high school as hell” metaphor, the Hyding out metaphor makes sense. This isn’t “very special episode”, it’s a very real lived experience for a scary large number of women.


Angel on his own show is a much better character than he is on Buffy. He gets to have actual depth and nuance to his character. I have a feeling that you’ll like Angel as a show better. It’s a darker tone than Buffy and takes way more risks. Btvs will always be superior to me. It has a special place in my heart, always.


This is an accurate statement. While the finale of S3 is weaker than S2, from episode 8 until the end of the season there are really no weak episodes. Even episodes 5 and 6 are pretty decent, 7 is weak, everything from 8 through 17 varies between good, and great. 18 is a little weak but not "Go Fish" weak, 19-22 are good again.

Daniel R

I dug up my review from 7 years ago on this episode "Just in case we weren't hit over the head with it the first time, they decided to throw another "men are animals" themed episode at us. I think what bothered me most about the episode was how many "possible suspects" there were. We begin with Willow wolf-sitting Oz, then we find out Angel is on the prowl, so it could be any of those two- I was actually hoping it was Angel, but it's actually some random guy who is friends with Scott who's dating Buffy. So with so many possible routes to go, they decide for the whole "oh it's that guy all the way in the back there" and not something interesting like Angel or Oz. Is it just me or do these monsters literally live at the school? Why did Pete leave his steroid juice at the school in some shed? Does he think no school personnel was going to need access to the shed? I dunno, I'm just thinking aloud here, but here's where the good stuff comes in. Buffy literally gave Debbie some advice about ditching the monster of a boyfriend she has and basically running away and doing something with her life. Trick here is that Buffy is so irritating that she doesn't even follow her own advice! Every time Buffy sat and watched Angel chained up I was just rolling my eyes. Buffy, your ex is a Vampire, like the killing kind- leave him alone! But I digress because they totally reverted cool, evil Angel back to wussy Angel. There wasn't a lot of Cordelia in this episode which made me sad. I also love how she was even aware of the whole thing with her "Where have I been?" line at the end. I was thinking the same thing too! I wanted to like this episode but there just wasn't enough going on for me to actually enjoy it. I mean it's not terrible, but it's not great either. It's just sorta there. The only thing we get from it is Angel is back and Buffy is going to become even more selfish by hiding him from everybody else and they're gonna do the lovey-dovey thing and we all have to suffer as the consequence. But anyways... For my overall rating I give this episode a 2 out of 4."