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Howdy Ladies and Gents, So I upgraded the desktop over the weekend and had to reset a few things to get the PC working the way I wanted. The problem with that was that after I ran a few test to see how things work I wanted to record a reaction the way I always do to see make sure I did not run into any issues. I didn't want to do that on any shows that I am doing just in case so long story short I ended up selecting Gilmore Girls for reasons that I explain in the video. The problem is that what I was worried about ended up happening and the audio from my microphone came out a bit distorted.  I tried to fix it but could not find one in the time I looked. I'm sure there is one out there that may help a bit more but I could not seem to locate how. I wasn't sure what to do, I recorded the footage and although the mic audio is not great you can still see my reaction and understand what I am saying for the most part. 

So I decided to put up the reaction for the episode but wanted to make sure I let you know the story behind why it sounds the way it does. The good news is that I have hopefully fixed the issue and it should not be a problem on today;s recordings. 




This is my first time giving this show a try. Jared playing a character named Dean is hilarious! The mother is one of those moms who is trying to be a friend and not a parent. Can’t stand that. It’s bad enough that she’s a single parent and then she’s letting her daughter run the house in a lot of ways. I actually agree with her mom in a lot of ways. I’m interested to see more.


Wow i love this show, it gets me in a good mood, thank you for reacting to it


One of my all time favourite shows!!! Hope it makes it onto the Pilot Program voting poll for episode 2!! Between this, Veronica, The Office and Buffy you have 4 of my all time top 5 shows!!

Other Boy Reactions

Please continue this show! You won’t regret it😁👍🏽🙏🏽


I have never clicked a notification so fast. Watching this IMMEDIATELY, audio issues be darned!

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I really enjoyed watching this pilot episode of Gilmore Girls with you. I saw episodes of this show here and there back when it originally aired on TV years ago, but never straight through and watching this pilot again today makes me really want to go back and watch the series in its entirety now. I vaguely remembered Melissa McCarthy being in this show as she got started in her acting career, and I remembered Jared Padalecki from Supernatural playing a character named Dean too, which is pretty hilarious really. I just really enjoyed each of these characters we were introduced to. So, thank you! Like always, I look forward to more reactions from you!!


Initial burst of excitement out of the way though, I absolutely adore this show. Fun fact; my hometown and the neighboring small towns were the inspiration for Star's Hollow. The Gilmore Girls convention that was held a few years back was probably the most ~exciting thing that ever happened to us.


This is one of my favorite shows. I watch it every time I come across it. Definitely one you should do.

DJ Doena

You mentioned that "Sam's" behaviour would be creepy if he wasn't attractive. Check out SNL's "Sexual Harassment and You" on Youtube, it explains it all! ;-)


LOVE Gilmore Girls ❤️ It’s one of my favorite shows and never fails to put a smile on my face.


Gilmore Girls is my second favorite show...after Supernatural, and I am SO excited that you're doing it. Watching this with you was amazing because nobody ever really reacts to Gilmore Girls. It was awesome watching someone elses reaction to Sookie (the cook) or Luke (the owner of the diner) or Emily (Loreleis mom) I think I even enjoyed it more than the Supernatural reactions lol😂. And yeah the Dean, Sam thing is amazing. Jensen and Jared always poke fun at that to this day. I hope you love the series as much as I do!!

Sarah Trow

I found a clip of Jensen and Jared at a convention where they make a joke about it....(No Spoilers btw) https://youtu.be/dmJo26RyRLY

NaTasha Norris

Im not going to be able to rate this show fairly. I’m way too emotionally attached to it. ♥️

Nancy Nicolai

Its baby Jared I mean my God here he's not even done growing yet bc there is no way that this "Dean" guy is 6'4" and think about it he's not so creepy bc this a different time it was 19 years ago also as for Rory's flip when she "met a boy" and didn't want to go to Chilton any more girls would do that quite frequently if they met a guy or their guy was going a different college they'd act dumb or sacrifice their future's for said guy like those girls in Rory's class were basically making fun of her for doing the assignment ,for being smart bc at least 20 years ago smart girls didn't do well so a little advice from an old(er) girl encourage that niece of yours to be or do whatever she chooses and not let anyone tell no she can't okay!!⚘🦸‍♀️👍

Lea Connor

Its even weirded when you've met him. I think its was 2008, before he was married and had kids, but after he was going out with Genevieve who is also lovely.