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Kacey Caldwell

D'Artagnan is in the 3 musketeers. I like Bob trying to help, to bad he doesnt know whats really going on . If it was just nightmares his advice would be helpful. I was told something similar when i was 5 or 6. Only it was to imagine someone into my dream to protect me. i picked Ariel from the little mermaid. I had her blanket on my bed. It worked for a while. Until one night my nightmare harpooned her. She never came back to protect me after that. I like and didnt notice the first time i watched that even though Steve was mad at Nancy he didnt just leave her at the party. Jonathan said Steve knew (maybe asked, not sure about that) that Jonathan would make sure she made it home okay. first time watching i thouht he just left her their while she was drunk.


Yeah, Bob's advice would be dead on for standard nightmares. And no one could tell him that they weren't. Of course, maybe a kid from Maine whose nightmare was about a clown offering him balloons would have been smarter not to think "nightmare" first... ;p