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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I love this episode a lot. I loved the mystery behind Sam's disappearance and black out. And I loved Dean's devotion to believing that it wasn't Sam doing these terrible things and his fight to save Sam. As for Meg... the demon is Yellow Eyes' daughter, which he told Sam and Dean back in season one's finale, Devil's Trap. So yeah... the demon is a girl. :) Overall... easily another one of the best episodes from season two. I have never been a fan of Jo. I just don't like her character at all, so if she hadn't have been in this episode, I would have given it a 10. But because Jo was in it, I have to rate this episode a 9. Thank you for another fun reaction. I had fun re-watching this episode again with you. Until next time...


The holy water was in the flask and that’s why they kept showing it. He had it out again at the dock because that was his weapon against the demon without hurting Sam.

Daniel R

He puts holy water in the flask

Sarah Trow

This was a pretty good episode but I'm just so excited for the next one its one of my favorite episodes of the series and my favorite of the first 3 seasons

Brenda Lewis

So when Sam says to Jo "you can tell me anything" that's Meg taunting her. Remember back to the episode on the plane in Sn 1, Dean said demons read minds. I think that's why she went after Jo. It was to lure Dean there. "Like daddy, like daughter, you're bait"


It was a decent episode. I like the mystery of it at the beginning and the retracing of Sam steps was exciting. I didn't really get the scenes with Jo though. I know she's a hunter but I feel the episode didn't really need her in it so it felt a bit random but I love Bobby, he's the best, the bit where he tricks the demon into drinking the holy water was very clever.


I loved this episode, one of my favorites! Jared plays creepy so well. It’s almost too bad his character is usually so morally upright.The flask is full of holy water, it’s just focus on a weapon.


The scenes with the flask was just because there was holy water in the flask. That's what he used on Sam in the bar. He was getting the flask ready to use. That's all it was. Showing him put away the gun and go for the holy water instead. He has decided he wouldn't use his gun, no matter what, because he might kill Sam. I doubt Bobby knew Sam was posessed. I think he was just being cautious, since Sam just shows up out of the blue. Without Dean. Don't forget about the charm Bobby gave them. That's pretty cool. Something they should have had all along, to keep from getting posessed.