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Clarence Wiedman is the man that took surveillance photos of her and sent them to her mother. He was shown briefly in Drinking the Kool-Aid heading into Kane Software, and Veronica called to find out what department he worked in and got his answering machine which is how she recognized the voice in the anonymous tip recording.


This is how I’ve always interpreted the two main endings- Keith saw the soundproofing that Leo’s band had put up themselves and it made him think back to the soundproof room at the guitar store..... so he took and chance and followed up the lead with Leo. Once there they found a wrist band from the bar the girls were going missing from and the fact that the store was close over the weekend ( the 48 hours the missing girls were known to be alive for) gave him enough reason to enter and he lucked out and found the girl. We are lead to believe through the beginning of the series that Keith was an excellent detective and sherif and that if he has a hunch usually it’s going to lead him to the truth.... and again this time it does. The Clarence Wiedman reveal is basically a two part reveal.... that not only was it the man who was taking photos of Veronica (that helped to drive her mother out of town) that made the anonymous tip about Lily’s killer but he is also a man that not only works for Lily’s father but closely with him.... lending more weight to Keith’s theory that Lily’s father had something to do with her death.

Marshall Dante Robertson

To speak on your frustration about the lack of follow up from the last episode, it's because Silence Of The Lamb was filmed before Echolls Family Christmas, but the network wanted the last episode before the holiday hiatus to be a Christmas themed episode, and also thought that Silence Of The Lamb was too dark to show before the break. You'll find more follow through of the poker episode in the next episode, which was supposed to air right after.

Renee Pope-Munro

Your issues with the editing seems like a lack of preference for noir, but Clarence Wiedman has been referred to several times already. We’ve also heard his voice before. And like someone else mentioned, the sound-proofing tipped Keith off. I actually hD the same thought the second we saw the band room. On this occasion, I think you’ve just missed a bunch of relevant stuff.

DJ Doena

BTW: Have you ever watched Waterworld and remember it? The little girl, Enola, that's Veronica's hacker friend Mac. :-)


Will you continue with VM? I see that the posts for VM have become more and more separate from one another, does that mean that you will stop it eventually (meaning you don't like it that much)? Just asking...


No I will not stop. It's just when I get busy shows that dont have as much engagement and were not Greenlit by a Patron get delayed by a few days for shows more people watch that's all. Veronica Mars & Nikita will both be recorded today.


Ok cool. Thnx for the answer