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Nancy Nicolai

I liked this episode alot and Jared & Jensen were apprehensive about this one bc they didn't want this show to be a show about religion also you mentioned that you liked the lightining well(I don't know if this is a spoiler but...)they shot the show in film for the first 3 seasons but then switched to HD Digital in season 4 and IMO the rest of this season is an 8 to 10 but I am partial bc I've seen the series over 800 times and now get my from watching reactors, have great day!!😎🤙

Brenda Lewis

I liked this one because it forwards the "Sam might turn evil" story line. I like that idea because it means they have more in mind than just monsters of the week. But I just don't know how (barring hitting him with a lightening bolt) they can turn Sam evil. I do like the broments in this one, Dean trying to reassure Sam. Sam saying Dean alone might not be enough to save him. And the stuff with the priests was very emotional.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I like this episode a lot because we get to see and understand both Dean's and Sam's beliefs as far as angels and Gods go. Very good acting. :) Thank you for another great reaction!