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Alexis Cardarella

I felt the same way about Lila the first time around watching. Her arc frustrated me, especially considering I liked her. And Lundy and Deb- their liking each other caught me by surprise.. and I was shocked by how much I liked them together. I was as shocked as Deb when he slapped her ass and kissed her 😆 And shocked I wasn’t repulsed by it

Janet Daurity

I saw Lila as crazy almost from the start. Stealing all the "found art work", killing her drug dealer boyfriend, are not normal things. Being completely alright with a morgue full of dead bodies. etc. One knew she was obsessed with Dexter fairly early on. Doakes has always been suspicious of Dexter but we don't know what he exactly suspects, neither does Dexter when he asks him "what exactly do you think that I have done"? But when he hears that it was blood work that got Rodrigo let off, he adds things up and knows Dexter is somehow involved. I don't think he thinks "Bay Harbor Butcher" at this point, but, he is a guy who "doesn't play well together" and goes out on his own to find SOMETHING to implicate Dexter. So he goes to search his apt for SOMETHING. Anything that might let him find out what Dexter may have done. He stumbles on the slides and was probably as shocked as we were. Now, he is on Dexter's "trail". I just never saw either arc as surprising.

Janet Daurity

Oh, and if you thought that was intense, just wait! What a roller coaster ride the next 4 episodes are!!! Epic!


Agreed about Lila. Though it may feel like an illogical turn, the clues were there from the beginning she wasn't right in the head. She was as bored as Dexter at the Narcotics Anonymous Meetings. The second she saw Dexter and knew he was lying, she felt a connection and so began stringing him along. Everything she's said to Dexter was to pull him away from the life, not "cure" his needs. While she does suspect drugs are his addiction, she is definitely turned on by the dark violence bubbling under the surface of Dexter.

Janet Daurity

Yes, the killing of Jiminez was different but that is because Dexter REMEMBERS how his mother suffered at his hands. I don't think he minded seeing him suffer in the same way. But I think he started with his neck and made it quidk.

Rafael Lemus

Lila was crazy from the beginning, she did some shady shit early on in the season and it tracks with her character. Lila's the type of person to go to an NA meeting and sell people drugs. Or at the very least she will confidently manipulate someone into sex because she's an english-titty vampire. I agree with Deb, she's gross. Speaking of Deb, age difference aside, I love the contrast of Deb & Lundy's and Dexter & Lila's relationships. One looks like a seemingly healthy relationship with an noticeable age gap and the other is a toxic relationship that's falling apart. Great reaction! Been enjoying these Dexter reactions.


I'm thinking watching umpteen shows at a time is problematic for reactions as one forgets/misses many details that explain a lot of the "WhereTF did that come from?" moments. (not that Dexter is without many gapingly problematic plot holes in general). The show has told us that Doakes/LaGuerta were partners once and had a brief romantic thing back in the day. Doakes jumping to conclusions about Dexter is also not strange when you look at how Doakes has been investigating Dexter in the past - no social clubs/life, assets in cash, super clean history, a strange connection with the Ice Truck Killer, the confrontation at shipping yard, Dexter keeping quiet about being tailed/watched, and more recently lying about a drug addiction and the discovery of Dexter's past wiped clean from history. Not to mention Dexter deliberately lying to Doakes about the blood spatter. <...> Lila, we see she's obsessed with Dexter from the start. Almost all we know about Lila is what Lila has told Dexter, and the way she's acted around him - and addicts are usually very practiced at lying to others, and especially themselves..... both Doakes and Lila are obsessed with Dexter.

Ari is my Cat

She totally killed her ex on purpose. She didn't change the clues were there from the start.


They 100% showed her as a crazy person from the start. The thing about shows written so well like Dexter is you have to pay attention to the minor details and mentions/scenes or you miss it. They mentioned her killing her ex as well as many other things that shows her craziness. This was a damn near perfect 10 ep to me(9 at worst.)

Jason Usher

Great reaction


The age difference was a little weird at first, but I liked them together because Deb seemed so happy with him, and after Rudy/Brian I was just so happy for her, she deserved some peaceful and healthy relationship.


I always found it weird that Doaks would pay that much attention to missing records about Dexter's "early years". Coz if you think about it, Dex was adopted by a cop when he was 3 yers old. It's like, what do you think he was doing before that? walking around stabbing people, when as a toddler.? He's just a foster child, if he ever did anything it would be after the adoption. It's just that part was always funny to me, just the way Doaks points out "the mysterious early years" of Dexter(which is again 0-3 years old) I'm just saying...