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My theory on the weirder stuff toward the beginning was that Grace was trying to scare people away until James went back into... hibernation?... so he wouldn't hurt anyone else. But the whole episode is about unexpiated sin and guilt--which, while she doesn't actually deserve it, Buffy FEELS like she does (hence her comments about "More fallout from my love life"). Buffy feels that she killed Angel. Why they waited until know... who knows? Maybe it's the first Sadie Hawkins dance since 1955?

Other Boy Reactions

Everything happens for a reason. Angel had said he had other plans and was moving on from his obsession with Buffy. He sought her out at the school and fully intended to kill her if it wasn’t for Grace’s spirit possessing him.

Nick Velasquez

Buffy blames herself for everything happening. In her mind, If she wouldn’t have slept with angel, her boyfriend wouldn’t be gone, Jenny would be alive, things would be better. If you rewatch the parts where buffy is being “mean” towards James...and put in the context of her talking about herself, it makes a little more sense. Then at the end when Grace/Angel tells Buffy/James that it’s not her fault and all of that...again look at it as her Having a conversation with Angel and not Angelus

Nick Velasquez

If you change the subject of Buffy’s rant from James to herself it would be Buffy: I destroyed the one person I loved the most in a moment of blind passion, and that’s not something you forgive. No matter why I did what I did. And no matter if I know now that it was wrong and selfish and stupid. It’s just something I’m going to have to live with.”


This is one of my favorite episodes tbh


I always felt this episode should have came straight after "passion" as we get to see a lot of the aftermath from that episode in this but I suppose they didn't want 2 emotional episodes in a row. I thought the similarities between the ghosts and buffy/angel relationship was done really well and that Buffy was playing the boy. The only way they could break the cycle of him murdering his lover every night was for her to forgive him but since she kept dying she wasn't able to do that. So because Angel didn't die the boy was finally forgiven and their spirits were freed. Also gotta feel for Spike. He may be evil but he still deserves better than Drusilla

Renee Pope-Munro

Buffy blames herself for the ‘death’ of Angel, because of her selfish desire to be with him and her inability to kill him before Jenny was sacrificed. So she is projecting her own guilt into James, and he was able to connect to her through that shared guilt.

DJ Doena

At the end of the episode where Ms. Calendar was killed, it was established that Willow would substitute the computer class for the time being.

Vicky N

Angel was at the school because Drusilla had a vision about Buffy. Other people already explained the link between James and Buffy and how his spirit was freed when he was forgiven. Buffy wasn’t being mean, she was blaming herself for “killing” Angel. As Cordelia says “over identify much”. I don’t think James choose Buffy because he knew what would happen, otherwise he wouldn’t have possess the other two couples. One of my favorite lines: “to forgive is an act of compassion, it’s not done because people deserve it, it’s done because they need it “.

Katherine Thoreson

If I had to choose, I would say this is my favorite episode of Buffy. That might seem crazy considering how many amazing episodes there are, but this episode really impacted me. It aired the day after my 15th birthday, and when they brought that twist in at the end where they reversed the roles for the ghosts between Buffy and Angel, my young teenage mind was blown. There wasn't really anything like this on tv at the time, and it has always stuck with me through the years. I know this one, people enjoy it but it doesn't often even break top 10 lists, but for me it's my favorite. This was also the episode that Joss Whedon realized that David Boreanaz was a strong enough actor to lead his own show. :)


I don't believe James knew that Angel couldn't die like that. There's no evidence to the contrary, but I think his 'plan' was more emotional than logical. He chose to possess Buffy for the reasons people have eloquently explained, but it was luck that Angel couldn't die. I also don't think Grace is actually there. I think her part in it is a manifestation of his guilt and her forgiving him is really just him forgiving himself, which is what Buffy desperately wants but feels she doesn't deserve it. Giles' line "to forgive is an act of compassion Buffy, it's not done because people deserve it, it's because they need it" to me says more about the necessity of self-forgiveness than forgiveness of others. Even if you feel like your actions are unforgivable, you need to have compassion for yourself anyway in order to continue living your life. James couldn't, so he ended his life. Who knows if Grace would have actually forgiven him. But like Giles said, it doesn't matter, because it's not about that. I freaking love this episode, most underrated of all time.


GON: [halfway through episode] "Alyson Hannigan is probably the best actor in the series..." SMG: "Hold my beer." Actually you're probably right, although Tony Head has a case. But there's a reason they called Sarah "Jimmy Stewart" on set. This stuff is her wheelhouse. Guess that's what happens when you cast a former soap actress.


first of all - i love that opening song playing in the bronze... buffy and bronze music is always just so good....


second of all, this is such a wonderful episode... It has so many amazing moments for the characters - from Giles desperately thinking and hoping the spirit is Jenny, to Buffy's relating to the spirit of James and revealing how she feels guilty, how she feels she doesn't deserve forgiveness because her act of passion 'destroyed' the person she loved and caused others to suffer and die... Giles line about forgiveness... The scene between possessed Angelus and Buffy... and the right at the end, finding out Spike's been sitting tight and playing it out... he has been healed for a little while and he is biding his time. UH! SUCH a wonderful episode. Now I just wanna see you drop Becoming part 1 and 2... pleeeease will you do the 2-part finale back to back??? :D

Richard Lucas

Dru is just a little light headed enjoying two boys fighting over her. What’s a girl to do?

Richard Lucas

The most amazing thing is how many absolutely phenomenal actors got cast on the show. I can only think of one I didn’t care for, and it’s a long, long way from here.

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

I won't repeat all the good stuff already written but add one thing I thought of concerning the last scene. Giles doesn't blame her either (he said so in the car in Innocence and I'm sure he would have said it again since Jenny's death). So 'I don't know why she could forgive him' 'Does it matter?' could also refer to Buffy not understanding why Giles can forgive her for Jenny's death. Another reactor noted that Giles and Jenny also had their own guilt/forgiveness problem, twice. So I think his line about not forgiving because somebody deserves it but because they need it is also to do with him thinking a lot about finding it hard to forgive Jenny. This episode is so freaking amazing because of all the layers.