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Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Phases" 2x15 Reaction

  • An Episode That Belongs At The Top Of The List = 10 4
  • This Episode Was Straight 🔥🔥🔥 = 9 7
  • That Was Pretty Damn Good = 8 57
  • Solid Episode, Had Really Good Moments = 7 39
  • That Was Alright, More Good Than Bad = 6 5
  • Middle Of The Road, Should Have Been Way Better = 5 0
  • Some Ok Moments, Mixed With Really Bad Moments= 4 1
  • What A Waste, What Was The Point Of That Episode? = 3 - 1 0
  • 2019-03-24
  • 113 votes
{'title': 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Phases" 2x15 Reaction', 'choices': [{'text': 'An Episode That Belongs At The Top Of The List = 10', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'This Episode Was Straight 🔥🔥🔥 = 9', 'votes': 7}, {'text': 'That Was Pretty Damn Good = 8', 'votes': 57}, {'text': 'Solid Episode, Had Really Good Moments = 7', 'votes': 39}, {'text': 'That Was Alright, More Good Than Bad = 6', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'Middle Of The Road, Should Have Been Way Better = 5', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Some Ok Moments, Mixed With Really Bad Moments= 4', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'What A Waste, What Was The Point Of That Episode? = 3 - 1', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 3, 24, 5, 50, 4, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 113}





Ari is my Cat

In werewolf lore the only cure in some legends is to kill the werewolf that turned you.

Ari is my Cat

So yes his nephew turned him.


a I really like the fact that you say your honest opinion about everything, whether it is on clothing or small details about episodes. I don’t find any of that weird at all and as much as some people wouldn’t like you commenting on Buffy’s skirt for example, you are allowed to have an opinion and think the way that you do. Remember, these are your reaction videos - we are here to watch you react. It wouldn’t be a reaction if you wouldn’t put everything out on the table. I’m always curious what is going in your head when you are watching these shows. So probs for you about that! Also, i couldn’t agree for more that Angel is more interesting as a villain!


The reason Oz called his aunt, remember the scene at the gym where Larry was talking about his dog bite, oz mentioned about his cousin biting him although he said it more as a joke but that's why he's asked if he was a werewolf. It was a pretty decent episode though and the scenes with willow and oz are adorable


I'll go with you on the 8. Mostly good, but the Kane subplot was just odd and a little, um, on the nose on the sexist thing. I can't think what else they could do but lock Oz up every month. It's not curable and we don't want to kill him, so... He was the same werewolf, but yeah, it's weird that he didn't notice the first night. Maybe he woke up somewhere that he expected to be, and so didn't think anything of it, as opposed to waking up in the middle of the woods? Cousin Jordy was the one who infected Oz; we don't know who infected Cousin Jordy. ("And how long has that been going on?") I don't mind you commenting on Buffy's clothes, which are definitely silly in the early seasons.


Just thinking about Xander's weight loss and the ill-fitting clothes, it just occurred to me that this is a fairly good, subtle way of pointing to the fact that he's not as well off as his friends, and his parents aren't going to replace his wardrobe just for better fit.


Damn, did not think about that. I guess I see Buffy and Willow and where they are from and assume Xander is in the same situation but maybe not. Maybe he is not as well off. How many times so far have we really heard about Xander family? Great observation


Thanks. He did mention back in "I Robot, You Jane," that his uncle was just a janitor in the electronics plant, in a tone that implied that of course, his family wasn't in the science and development part.


And in Out of Mind, Out of Sight, Willow asks him "does your family even have a stove?" after he says his mom is ordering Chinese food. She could just be implying that his mom is so adverse to cooking that they don't have a stove, but it's kind of an odd comment either way.


Gotta be honest. The clothing I know bothers some and I have toned it down unless it's like super obvious. I hope that when the Spin-off happens we get to see a more cool Angel


So many little moments that I didnt think about until now.

Nick Velasquez

Also in surprise when they are doing the round robin, he calls home and his mom doesn’t recognize his voice.

Katherine Thoreson

This season, Nicholas Brendan (Xander), actually started working out and lifting weights. Trying to keep Xander looking as "nerdy" or "outcast" as possible, they kept him in ill-fitting clothes. They didn't want him to be seen as the muscle-bound guy, and eventually asked him to stop lifting weights all together to maintain his "character".


I'm just gonna throw this out there... Big fan of Buffy's short skirts. Big, big fan.


Yeah, I'm thinking with Oz's first night, he's such a laid back guy that maybe he shrugged off wherever he woke up that first day, and probably doesn't have real good memories during being the actual wolf, but by the second day finally started to get suspicious of himself.

Richard Lucas

His nephew was a little baby, he mentioned his nephew was teething. I can’t see Oz killing a baby lol

Richard Lucas

I think he probably somehow made it back to his bed. He did kill some animals that first night so probably was well fed and sleepy. If Oz sleeps ‘commando’ even waking up naked wouldn’t be a tell. But the second night he had nothing but frustration from Buffy and Angel, so probably was still in the woods hunting when he konked out.