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Howdy, so I'm almost done uploading all of my content over to DropBox. It has been a a longer process than what I expected. Even with great internet its 100s & 100s of GB that needed to be uploaded. So now the next process for me is changing all the video links of every single Patreon Post from GoogleDrive to DropBox.
The most recent stuff is already changed but I have to go through the backlog and get all the old stuff changed over. This may take me a bit of time. It's not hard it's just a lot of tedious work. 

  • Click on Post
  • Click Edit
  • Delete old link
  • Go to drop box/create a link over there
  • Copy New Link
  • Paste new link on post
  • Save New Post  

So need to do that process a hundred times. 

But it's worth it if it's easier in the long run and makes it so videos dont stay in processing on google drive for weeks. Which will allow me to get content up quicker for you guys and gals.

But before I do that I want to make sure that DropBox is ok for everyone. I know that the loading on it is not amazing at times but for me I just pause it for about a minute and it works. Also downloading works well. I would recommend if using Mobile to download the DropBox app and it should open the video in the app. If it doesn't open in app, if when you click it it takes you to a browser just sign in to your account on the browser and play the video for a second and then go back to the DropBox app it should appear in your DropBox.

I know this may not be convenient for everyone and I am sorry. 

Not sure how much you care about the quality of the video but I could drop the video to 720p so the file size is smaller and streaming is not as long. 

Please Check Below As Many Of The Boxes That You Agree With.

Thanks For The Support.



Haha last poll option is me 😂. Both of them worked fine for me so whichever is best for you I'm okay with


Yea same, idc as long as hes happy with it and evrything works.

Ari is my Cat

Wow. Look at all that support for google drive... 😂


We neeeeeed the return of Chuck

Ari is my Cat

Perhaps you could pacify us with an order of what is coming up? Not a date schedule so much as an order of a react list?


Kind of Order For The Week: Sins, Dr Who, Avatar, Firefly, Akame, Rezero, Supernatural, Chuck, Veronica Mars, The Magicians, Orphan Black, Scrubs, Psych. That's the shows I hope to get up on Patreon between now and Sunday. Also will do a Pilot Program Show. Hopefully in that order. Also one more Dexter.


Dropbox works perfectly fine for me. I'm a bit of a sucker for good picture quality so I'd prefer 1080p personally (plus people can always lower it to 720p right?).


haha - click, it works, i'm happy - literally me!


Dropbox lets you change the video quality for streaming, so might as well continue to upload at 1080p for those who want it. I'm fine with 480p and Dropbox lets me select that regardless of original video quality.