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Dude, you have some of the best running commentary I've ever seen. I'm really enjoying your reactions. :)


I'm glad you enjoy them. I know I talk a lot and some dont like it but I'm glad that I make the reactions enjoyable for you. I'm happy my commentary makes it entertaining.

Janet Daurity

Your reactions are the BEST! I'm so totally enjoying them. You have great insight. Stuff I didn't catch on the first time I watched. Like, how did I not see this, but you do! Amazing. Can't wait for the next one. Cause the next 3 are blow your mind!

Alexis Cardarella

Sorry you haven’t been feeling well!! ...Honestly, if a reactor has gotten sick and something is delayed, an update is totally fine. Try not to push yourself too hard. ..It’s a job. You should get days off, and sick time. You release plenty of content for the $!

Ari is my Cat

How the hell did I catch your cold over the internet?

Ari is my Cat

There are two kinds of excuses. 1. Valid excuses. 2. Bullshit excuses. Your excuse is valid as fuck.