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Just in case you didn't know, this was the mid season finale which is why there is a cliffhanger in the end. In real time, you had to wait a few months for the next episode. I can understand what you're saying and why you ranked it the way you did. For me, I'd give it a 8 because I really enjoyed the development between the brothers relationship in this episode and that is what I care about the most when I watch the show. It's clear that there are some unresolved issues there, Dean clearly didn't want to talk about it and yes, I think he knew that Sam meant some of what he said, just, of course, not to the extreme level the Dr made him feel.

Kacey Caldwell

I find it interesting that they changed the way that the ghost died. Othere ghost (hookman) melted but this one turned to stone or something and broke apart


Ohhh, that makes sense. I didnt even think of the mid season finale aspect of the shows. I can see your points on why you enjoyed the Episode as much as you did tho.


I love this show, but oddly, I don't like scary movies and such - so I haven't seen the Haunting of Hill House. That would creep me out. This show can be scary, but it mixes it up with comedy and other stuff, so I can handle it. About if I've ever done anything like those kids? Yeah. I did. A few times. Kids will be kids. Not always with other kids either. I was a curious kid, what can I say? We had lots of cool places where I lived in rural Pennsylvania. Old coal mines, abandoned barns, houses, old home sites deep in the woods. Yep. Fun times. My cousins lived in an old Inn where someone was killed in one of the rooms. The places was nice and all, but part of it wasn't used, even though they had a big family. We used to play hide and seek in that place and the room where the person died was always a place we stayed away from, unless on a dare. I often like episodes like this that show a lot of stuff between the boys, where we get to know each of them a little better through how they interact with each other and the case they're on. The information that comes out and so forth. Since this is season 1, we're still getting introduced to them and who they are as individuals. Their differences, their history, etc. Apparently there are issues between the two. Plus, I think the writers are still figuring out the characters. What I noticed here was the difference in the boys and how they handled things with their dad. Dean seems to follow orders without questions, while Sam questions. Wonder why? The other thing was during their initial investigation of the hospital Sam was getting pissed about John not being there and Dean kept trying to deflate the situation with his quips and jokes, but Sam wasn't having it - so then Dean gets serious and says some things which finally seemed to do the trick. But we find out later what Sam really thinks - even if it's maybe enhanced by what the ghost did to him. In the Skin episode we got a glimpse into what goes on in Dean's mind, and now we got a glimpse into Sam's. I find interactions like that interesting. Seeing interpersonal dynamics between people and gives insights into them as well. I loved it that this show was giving some actual depth to the characters and filling us in on that and their backstory over time, and not just a simple weekly MOTW show. It seemed pretty harsh what Sam said, yet Dean seemed to brush it off and not let it bug him. I was very interested in all of this sort of thing when I watched for the first time, and it's partly what kept me watching. I wanted to find out more about them. BTW - Dean had to keep Sam from continuing to try to kill him, that's why he knocked him out. He probably could have tied him up instead, though. But that was faster, I guess. lol One little bit of info about ghosts you may have missed - they can keep people from leaving rooms or buildings. Like a lock down. Can't break out, can't break windows, etc. Like a force field. You asked why Sam and Dean were dumb about separating and going places without plans or knowing as much as possible - well, they're young guys. That about explains it to me. lol wink Besides, if they didn't do stupid stuff, there wouldn't be much drama or crap they get into. Little BTS factoid - that was a real abandoned mental hospital they filmed at. J2 (Jared and Jensen) said it was just like it looked on tv and actually pretty creepy.

Daniel R

in comparison to how crazy good Sam and Dean are at their jobs, it shouldn't be big and epic every time. these are low level spirits compared to what they're going to be up against down the line. it can be a bit jarring for the viewer since we would want big and epic every time but it's all building towards something :)


yeah the hospital location is cool for this. it's a good shooting location. I haven't really seen it said in like easter egg videos or reactions but over the years i've noticed that they have used it on several wb or cw shows and a few others. if you pay attention you will sometimes see the front and entry stairs and also a lot of times you'll see the inside hallways and the staircase there it's pretty good. You can see it pop up if you keep an eye out because it has a stair case in the middle and two on the sides going down and there is usually the little office/ receptionist desk across from it. In this one you see it when the cops first enter. I like when they use it. I first noticed they used it on Smallville a few times through the years and then on SPN a few times. I've also seen it in the Arrowverse shows like Arrow, Legends, Supergirl and Batwoman. It usually is used as a hospital or insane asylum new or abandoned. Sometimes as a Prison or Army base etc. I've kinda made a thing of looking for it to pop up in shows filmed up in Canada.


going down a point just because of the death I dunno. I mean i get what you are saying but it's just not going to be a big climatic death for all the motw especially ghosts. They may go out in different ways sometimes like this one with the crumbling but most go up in flames. They don't have big inventive ways to kill them because there just isn't. You burn the bones or an object they are attached to or other spirits cancel them out. mostly it's setting the bones or object of fire in time and more about fighting them and rock salt or iron while they are trying to burn the bones. it's pretty much the same everytime because there are just rules for killing different monsters.