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I mean it's up to you whether or not to read the description, presonally I wouldn't because that could spoil some of the exitement and suprise of a returning character, if that happens later on, but then again some of the titles during the theme song already do that. So again up to you but for me personally I enjoy the of not knowing what is coming up. However DEFINITELY do not watch any of the "next time on" and also I wouldn't watch any season trailers either, I know of that completely spoils the big twist in that season's two part season finale. So glad I avoided that season trailer because that twist had a MUCH bigger impact on me being a suprise. Also I'll let you know now that there is a minisode between the season 1 finale and the first christmas special, I'm not gonna post the title of it right now because it is a bit spoilery, now this minisode isn't necessary to understand what is going on in the christmas episode or future seasons, but does explain the situation a bit more in depth. There are several minisodes sprinkled throughout but I'm pretty sure this one is the only one with a spoilery title. I'll try and remember to post a list of the minisodes and where they go after the season 1 finale.


Yea I was given a giant list of the Dr Who world that tells me the order to watch anything relating to Who.


This episode didn't really resonate with me too much, but mainly as I'm not a big fan of historicals. The last 10 minutes however, were really good. Like you said, Gwenith being dead as soon as she stepped into the arch gave me chills, and just the fact that The Doctor was wrong makes it even more heartbreaking, as you just wouldn't expect him to make such a foolish mistake. Loving your reactions so far man! :)


Hey it's ok if we disagree on episodes. The beauty is that it seems Doctor Who is about the individual story surrounding a major story and the side story's may not work for everyone. I was going in the solid Episode range until the last 10 mins. That boosted it into the Next level.


This episode is written by Mark Gatiss, who I enjoyed as a writer, actor and comedian before he wrote this episode, so not surprising I like it. I know a lot of people have told you how much better the show gets even than this - which is very true. I still love this episode though. To me, the ‘ghosts/zombies” being aliens coming through a rift in time and space make it a way better story. I mean, ordinary ghost or zombie stories have been done time and time again - but mostly because, in Doctor Who, anything that seems supernatural or magical, always has a scientific explanation - even if it’s very advanced made up sci-fi science. Despite being an obsessive Buffy fan ( my favourite show) - I really like that about Doctor Who. I wouldn’t normally say this type of thing ( most would consider that spoilery — I don’t know if you do?) but I was reading the youtube comments and know that people already have. And this show is a weird one, because when we were watching it, a hellva lot of us already had 4 and a half decades of knowledge of the Doctor Who universe going in to the New Who of 2005. And even if a viewer was young and didn’t have the knowledge, you could easily get into the existing fandom and find it out. I also really like how the Doctor was so wrong in this. That he’s fallible. We learnt last episode that his planet has died in a Time War and he’s the last of his species. I think the Doctor was so wrong in this instance because they were playing on his emotions about that - claiming that there were very few of them left, and that this was due to nearly being wiped out by that Time War. I think they were probably lying - just being manipulative. Maybe they had a way to tell that he’s a Time Lord, and so knew what lie to tell to get his sympathy. There’s a line here I love, makes me laugh - Dickens says “What the Shakespeare is going on?!” It’s a play on a British phrase : “What the Dickens is going on?” - meaning ‘what the hell/what on earth’. “What the Shakespeare” is not a thing - it really amuses me the idea that Dickens would have said that. Um, Rose’s earrings are very Victorian. Any modern earrings like that are just copying Victorian style. I had to pause and look after your comment! I agree with you about the Doctor not changing his clothes for the period - Dickens thought he was a navvy at first because of them. ( A manual labourer working on roads, railways, canals etc.) The gas beings were saying ‘Let the Gelth through’ rather than girl - i.e them. And the Doctor said to Rose “Do you carry a donor card’ - i.e giving permission for organ donation when you die. Implying that letting the aliens use the dead bodies is morally the same thing. Ah, maybe it’s a bit late trying to help out with these things a few weeks after the episode, but maybe not. There was a lot going on in the basement morgue scene, and I think that you missed that one of the bodies possessed by the Gelth (the tall bearded dead guy) - he snapped Sneed’s neck. For some reason, the Gelth need dead bodies to possess, hence why they weren’t just possessing Rose, The Doctor and Dickens. I think it’s amazing how Gwyneth saved the world, and very interesting how she could take control when already dead. A tragic mistake by the Doctor though. I know some people recommended Ripper Street to you - exactly what you were looking for, a Victorian crime drama investigating the Ripper murders - Have you checked it out yet?


btw, I didn't even say! - I really enjoyed this reaction of yours. Guessing you didn't like the next 2 so much.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

This is one of my overall favorite episodes because it's beautiful and touching. Plus... I love stories that take place within historical times and that this episode brought in Charles Dickens, who I love. Charles Dickens is one of my favorite authors and the actor who plays him in this episode was brilliant! I also really liked Gwyneth too. Her story was so sad and like you, I too thought it was interesting that the Doctor was wrong about the ghosts being good and seeking his help to survive. And I loved the look he showed upon realizing that he had gotten Gwyneth killed. The Doctor does have more emotion than you realize, but he suppresses it for reasons yet unknown. Fabulous!