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Donell Robbins

Its hard for me to say why you should do this show because its so good


So the thing about all crimes are capital crimes is because they are on a space station (well as they said in this episode several space stations merged together) that is a very precarious position to be in. If something happens there is a much higher possibility of it leading to the death of everyone on board. Plus oxygen is limited causing the population control (that being the reason that Octavia's birth was a crime that caused her to be locked up and her mom to be floated) because of that having people who have been shown to be criminals on board is very dangerous (now do I agree? not entirely but I get the mentality) so by having such harsh repercussions does 2 things first it causes fewer people to be willing to commit crimes, but also it keeps criminals from being a drain on a society that is barely holding its head above the water as it is. Any criminals would have to be incarcerated (like the children) and in doing so could not work to keep the space station going, and thus the society would have to feed mouths that aren't helping to produce food or do any other job to help out(in a society that already has very limited potential for food growth). Now since children are already not expected to work (and killing children was probably farther than the society was willing to go) any juvenile criminals are locked up (as we saw) but what I find weird is that it seems (from what we see this episode, I can't remember if this is addressed later or what the explanation is if it does) that once the children turn 18 the are executed, no second chance no hearing or anything (based on the fact that Clarke, the doctors daughter, assumed at the begining they were coming to execute her and was protesting that she had a month until she turns 18). This means that once a child commits a crime they are incarcerated until they turn 18 and then immediately executed which I honestly think is more cruel than executing them on the spot. They are forced to live a "half life" (confined in a small cell with nothing to do from what we saw) knowing that every day that passes the are one day closer to their execution. The sense of dread that must bring with it must be unbearable, the lives of thess children after they are imprisoned must be an absolute torture. (of course all this might be a moot point if it does turn out they would get a second chance/hearing when they turn 18 but its been like 3+ years since I watched any of this show been busy and haven't had the time or motivation to pick it back up but probably will now xD)


Now as for my actual opinions on this episode/show, personally I loved this episode i immediately got me hooked on the show and I watched through the end of the first season but something happened (I forget exactly what) but I wasn't able to catch the second season when it aired and just haven't found the time/motivation to catch back up on netflix. Either I'm in the mood for it and want to watch it but life is too hectic for me to sit down and watch the episodes, or I got distracted while life was hectic and forget about it when I got the time to watch it. But yeah I really enjoyed everything I have seen of this show, and from what I remember this pilot is a good indication of what to expect from the rest of the season; good suspense and interesting plot development, can't vouch for anything past season one though. I would love to see your reactions to the rest of the show when you get the time, hopefully it is one of the poll winners or if not maybe sometime further down the line.


Yea I know some that felt the same way. Got hooked but fell off but I know a few that swear by this show and think it's the greatest thing in sci-fi.

Idun V

I saw you posted this on youtube today, any chance you're continuing it? :O


if you get past the first 5 epiasodes the tone gets much more serious and the writing get way better


this is e very good show, after the pilot some people thought this was som teenage drama, but it gets very dark soon


are you going to continue to series? can only find the this one.