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Howdy ladies and gentlemen. Hope everyone enjoys their New Year festivities.

Time for you all to be honest with me and tell me what I need to improve, change and start in 2019. Please be honest but dont be mean, if you have something I can do better let me know. I always want to do the best I can.

Also I know consistency is the #1 thing overall but anything else I can do to make it better?



I think mine is more of a question that could lead to a suggestion: Will eps 5&6 for SPN be released soon for the $1 tier level? The early telease was a while ago, and last week was a hiday week. I was wondering if that meant they would be released this Wednesday? A schedule of some kind could help, or giving a date when things will be released when there's a break would help. Thanks


Yea I will release it today. Sorry about that. I will make both Available today for you for being so patient with me.

Omega Sirius

Are you going to plan on uploading avatar soon?


Yea, I'm just so ahead on it in comparison to YouTube. But I see I dropped one last Sunday so expect another one in the next few days.

Vicky N

I know that your style is to do more a commentary than a reaction, but you have a tendency to describe what is happening in a scene while you’re watching it and we’re watching it as well. That’s not a reaction or a commentary. I hope this criticism is not too harsh. I do enjoy your videos, otherwise I wouldn’t be here.


Not too harsh, I talk as much as I do to have footage to use for YouTube so I could avoid copyright. It's a commentary but more in the sports commentary kind of way where I say what's happening and then follow up with thoughts but I can try to not repeat what you are seeing as much in the future. Thanks.

Ari is my Cat

Not a criticism so much as an observation but what's your thing with how women dress and skirt length in particular? Is it a religious thing?

Ari is my Cat

Not a criticism so much as an observation but what's your thing with how women dress and skirt length in particular? Is it a religious thing?


No just something I notice. I guess with Buffy its just so much different than what the other girls wear. She stands out for it. Also she is supposed to be 16 years so I guess I don't expect it when I see it. I guess in other shows I don't see them dress that way. But I did miss a lot of shows in the 90s so maybe it was more common. Also it was the Brittany Spears Era where they dressed teens in more provocative clothes so maybe its just common.


Glad you are enjoying my reactions, thanks for the support. I definitely have to make sure to be mindful of what's happen so I dont talk over it.