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This is going to be short and sweet I promise. 

I just want to say thank you for making the end of my 2018 feel special.  

I felt lost, not finding myself creatively and feeling like I was just living life but not living life and enjoying it. I am someone who needs to constantly be doing something, needs to keep my mind moving and engaged. I'm not one who gets bored very easily but I am someone who can feel like I'm wasting time and not doing anything. It's why I constantly have to be doing something. I gave myself an ultimatum that if I could not find a passion for creating that grabbed an audience i could engage with I would move onto something else, I was going to hang up the YouTube channel. 

I remembered how much I loved escaping into new worlds of entertainment, something I couldn't do for the last two years becuase of work. I remembered how good it felt to lose myself in stories for an hour or two. In the past I would watch a bunch of shows and go to the movies 2 times a week. The past 2 years I have missed just about every movie becuase my job took my time. Most Tv shows were also needed to be left behind due to work. But in the last few months taking my channel in this different path has reintroduced me to what I have been missing. I dont want to use the word need lightly but a part of me needed this.

I needed to find this new reintroduction into what I was use to love. I needed escape, I needed  stories, I needed interesting conversations about all of it. Its easy to get into a job that takes up your time and get lost and forget yourself, but finding who you were and what you love once again is something truly special. I hope in 2019 you all introduce me to new stories and worlds that I can enjoy.

Thank You For That. 

Remember when I promised this would be short and sweet, well maybe in 2019 I can be better about keeping my promise.



Ari is my Cat

You're a good reactor. You give honest opinions while also acknowledging that the fans watch reactions to shows they like and being too harsh would likely drive them away eventually. If you have a flaw at all it's that you underestimate your deep bass voice which sometimes makes it difficult to get audio cues from the show you're watching, meaning sometimes I find myself focused on the small screen to see people's lips move as they talk to make out what they are saying to try and see if one of those "oh shit" moments are coming and I have to rewind to catch your reaction to it. Aside from the small volume thing I can't think of anything that you could really do better.


I'm gonna have to lower my audio in 2019. I underestimate the power of voice. I will try to move the mic away at least one foot and see if that helps lol

Vicky N

I wanted to say the same thing about the audio, I thought it was just me.


I’m new to your channel. Came for the Supernatural but really excited to see you’re doing Buffy and Doctor Who. I’ve only seen your one reaction to the SPN pilot so far but really enjoyed it and I’m looking forward to watching some TV with you.


Welcome, glad you enjoyed my content enough to support. Hope you enjoy all the full reactions for Buffy and Supernatural I have on the here.