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If you remember ep 3 i think it was when they went into the room with the statues at the air temple everyone of them were avatars. Theres been hundreds. Only reason they had 3 floats was cuz they only consider her and the avatars that came after her killers.

Omega Sirius

As of this moment on, every episode is a 9 or higher, except for one other episode in my opinion. We are now approaching the best episodes of the entire series. The video was fine, no lag, no any of that stuff for this episode. Pay extra attention now, for we are going to be getting into some very popular fandom topics of the series. We getting into the good stuff now, the hype is coming! :D We're going to be learning a hella lot content in the next few episodes. It's going to be very focus driven, this is going to be critical for understanding things in future episodes.


Thanks for the heads up. Yea I dont think for me any Episode this season has been lower than a 7. Heck I think they may all be 8 or higher so far.