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This Poll Will End Tomorrow, Make Sure You Vote. If you have other suggestions let me know. I have seen Community & Parks & Rec. Have been looking for a Live action Comedy to Watch.


Sarah Trow

I've seen a few episodes of them but nothing that made me wanna watch them

Omega Sirius

I've seen neither of them. :/

damon miller

hard to say but don't think you could go wrong with any of them,just depends on what you think is funny


ive heard great things about all of these though ive only seen scrubs and Brooklyn nine-nine which are fantastic!


I will always highly suggest The Office to anyone that hasn’t seen it. I just laugh my way through every episode no matter how many times I watch it. Scrubs is another one I loved. So I’ll be happy if that one wins!


I’ve seen all except Scrubs [have heard good things about it though]. I LOVE The Office and Brooklyn 99. I liked 30 Rock and Arrested Development. I grew up with Seinfeld and loved it then, but rewatching episodes now some of it hasn’t aged great [it’s a bit hit or miss for me now].

Cory Stanish

Most of these are shows that I love or have at least heard great things about. Except Seinfeld. It has its moments but overall I just don’t get it. It made me sort of a pariah in the 90s if I’m being honest

Ari is my Cat

My semi unsolicited opinion: Seinfeld: Funny. It's like a lot of sitcoms good to watch when nothing else is on. Just a group of friends who are not really good or bad people most of the time but they do a lot of bad things. 30 Rock: A show about the behind the scenes of a show like Saturday Night Live. It can be insanely funny. Brooklyn 99: I've seen and enjoyed two or three episodes. Scrubs: Possibly one of the funniest shows. Hard to describe but fun to watch. The Office: Never got into it but I'm sure if I stuck with it it would grow on me like Parks and Rec did. Arrested Development: This show is insane. It's funny it's weird it's everything I look for in a comedy. Just a few other comedies that are among my favorite: Coupling: British comedy, one of the few sitcoms I was ever sad to see go. Friends only wishes it had been this funny and smart. Misfits: Imagine if young people on probation/community service got superpowers. The first two seasons of this were absolute gold but as is the case with most British shows the original cast slowly gets replaced with new characters. Was still funny at the end but you did miss some of the cast that left.

Ariyon King

The office is one of the greatest comedies I’ve seen!