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Amanda Winner

to a normal sane person, no, he didn't do anything extra to make someone warrant this behavior/obsession

emily ღ

thank you!!!! and even if he did "do something" it's still no excuse. we hear it all the time with women - what was she wearing, was she drunk, etc. even if you're drunk off your ass half naked it's no excuse for someone to harm you. also with stalkers, it can be anything. you can smile at them, pass them on the street, hold a door open for them, say "bless you" when they sneeze and that's it, they become hooked and delulded. sometimes it doesn't even take a interaction at all, they can just see you and get it in their head that you belong to them somehow. its horrible.


I mean he knew she was a convicted stalker then proceeded to accept her friend request. he followed her home.. he def couldve just called the police for her when she was freezing at the bus stop. idk i'm with you on this one.