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Something about Annabeth I do want to clear up is that she isn’t angry-aggressive like Clarisse & the Ares’ kids. A better way to describe her is determined, strong-headed, and VERY forward. When she wants to know something, she wants to know it now and in full detail so she has all the pieces to make a plan. She’s very much a stickler for the rules and has a lot of pride (as you can see when she refuses to ask for help). She comes across as cold-hearted because she tends to separate the emotion from the mission to stay the most rational. I am an Annabeth lover, but I do understand right now she’s not the most likable lol. That said, I don’t want people to confuse her character and motivations for aggression and selfishness (aka the Ares’ Kids). I also disagree that they haven’t shown Annabeth as smart and a great fighter. In my opinion, that was a major point of the second episode (besides the stuff going on with Percy lol). It was Annabeth’s plan to use Percy‘s bait so Clarisse would be distracted enough for their team to get the flag. Annabeth also already knew who Percy’s father was before anybody else; she already knew what would happen when she pushed him into the water. She was the first to deduce that this was Medusa’s house, she’s the one who put the hat on Medusa‘s head so Percy could cut it, etc. Although I wish they had shown more scenes of her fighting, you could see how quick and ready she was to kill the fury when it came through the window. She isn’t the best sword fighter, like Luke, but she is the best at utilizing all her, and her teammates, abilities to make the best plan which makes her the best warrior in camp. This makes her a top choice when going on a quest!

Kyra Brown

Agreed with every thing you said Annabeth is my favorite and hopefully he warms up with her