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Great episode. I love how interesting the case was, we got to see another side of Broyles and his family. I love that there were clues throughout that this is fully our Liv. I think Broyles is definitely starting to regret being a part of this scheme which is why he let her go. We have to cut Peter a lot of slack for not noticing how different she is than the real Olivia, I feel like everything she said during that conversation in bed was a red flag. I'm glad he knows now. I would definitely put this one in my top ten for sure. it just has everything


One of the little in-jokes they like to do about the differences between the two universes popped up in this episode: Fauxlivia thinking that the star of Casablanca was Ronald Reagan. Reagan was actually an early idea for the role, but it was quickly discarded. Obviously, on the other side, he was cast after all. (One of the first of these bits was seeing a movie marquee for Back to the Future, "starring Eric Stoltz." Stoltz did start filming it, but he was found unsatisfactory, his footage was scrapped, and he was replaced by Michael J. Fox. Not in the other universe, obviously!)