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Hey folk!

I think we're all excited for the next updates of Demons Within with all the awesome stuff that's been going on lately. :D I'm pumped and working hard on it to make it as cool as possible and live up to the amazingness that we're getting alongside it!

That being said, even though I titled this "Update 8 devlog", that might not actually be the case. I had been deliberating about this for a while, but after outlining and structure both the contents of Update 8 (what follows after 7) and the contents of the bad ending that we have incoming, I've come to a conclusion.

The initial plan was for them to come out together in one big package. That being said, Update 8 has a bunch of stuff in store, some of which I'm already sharing in the previews, some of which I'll still have and share very soon. There's a lot that's going into it, so because of that, I thought it'd be more beneficial to separate the unrelated parts.

What I mean about that is that, Update 8 and the bad ending *could* come out together, but that would likely delay both as I'd have to build them up entirely to a perfect state before they could come out.

The plan now is that, the next update will come *faster* and will include only the bandit bad ending stuff, which is pretty sizeable, trust me! I can't tell yet if it'll be the length of a full update, but honestly, maybe kinda close? Dangpa did a great job and there's a lot that goes into it. I also want to make it as nice and pleasant as possible, so... ;)

I have some visuals in mind that I'll need to make for the bad ending itself, but most of them, as most of you have seen, is already done! So I'll keep working hard on writing it, then instead of moving on to write something else as well, I'll move on straight to implementing it so that you all can get the bad ending content as fast as possible! It'll be like... a Special Update or something, I'll think of a name...

Update 8 has already been in the works by both me and Blain, and we'll keep doing that as well so that it can come out in hopefully a more timely fashion right after this special update!

While I said and I do have at least one more Update 8 WIP to share with the preview tier, I'll share that soon, but after that then I'll probably move on to sharing some of the art, sketches and etc from Dangpa that turned into the amazing CGs for the bad ending you'll see in this upcoming special update! There's a lot to show and I'm excited, and there'll be even more to see in the game once it's done!

So that's it! That's the big announcement for this devlog. Things are going well, the bad ending writing is already well on the way ;). We'll get a special update with just that first, and following that, we'll get a more regular Update 8 update that will continue the story from where we left off. There's a LOT to happen in that regard as well, but I'll talk more about that in the next devlogs and when we get there! :D

Huge thanks for all of your support, especially all the new people that found Demons Within through Dangpa's incredible art! I hope you like what you see, there's still so much more to come! You're all amazing! :D

Thank you! I hope all of you have an amazing weekend! :D



Ooh I like this, separating the Gunther ending could be better on its own without distracting from the ongoing story developments when they are revealed. Either way it is cool, I am glad things are looking exciting for the writing and things you have in mind for the Gunther bad end.


Gunther is absolutely big enough for his own update. 😏