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Oooookay, so that didn't go as planned X3.  Finally done with lumbar poke but had to do literally every last bit of the administrative duties my neurologist should have done.  Luckily I am cynical and paranoid and wrote everything down so the pokey people knew what tests to do.  They had gotten the order for a lumbar puncture from the neurologist but literally nothing else.  No info on what tests to preform, etc., and the office wouldn't answer or return phone calls.  Even the hospital people suggested I get a new doctor.  That will be next week's project.  Not gonna get much done it seems so I'm gonna pause the campaign for the next payment.  Tune in next month when we will return to our regularly scheduled smut.  Sorry for the long slump and thank you for being patient X3



No problem at all! Just take care of yourself, big guy. We'll be here when you get back! :)