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Hey everyone.  Sorry for the lack of smuts lately.  Been stressed out spending nearly every day trying to get things in order so I can get the medical tests I need for moving forward with my condition.  Unfortunately my neurologist and his staff have turned out to be completely incompetent; sending me to the wrong place for blood tests, not ordering required blood tests before my lumbar puncture, sending me to the wrong place for the LP itself....   My insurance provider hasn't been much help, just telling me to get things through my primary doctor instead.  When I did that they had no idea why I was doing that, 'your neurologist should be doing this,' etc.  Much back and forth between them and my insurance and I finally got he referrals changed to the right places and the correct blood tests ordered just in time for the LP next week.  Got the last bits in order yesterday and then fell asleep for 11 hours o,,o

After the LP is over my other doctor said he would try to get me a new neurologist but I am not real hopeful as I tried that once before already and the insurance people sent me to someone else in the SAME OFFICE, who it turned out only worked with children so ended up seeing the same guy as before X,,X.   We'll see what happens tho.

I am so tired.  Gonna try and see if I can get some renders done now that the stressy bits are hopefully over.  If I haven't pumped some things out by the end of next week tho I will pause the campaign for the coming month.  I'll still post things but this month been so slow and I don't wanna charge everyone if nothing's come out.

Thank you for your patience and to everyone who has reached out to check on me, I really appreciate it.  You guys are awesome X3



It's totally okay, mate! Your health is of the UTMOST importance. Take care of yourself first and the art will follow. :)