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Hey guys!

Firstly let me thank you all for your support, you guys have been so awesome! XUU
Sorry it's been so dead here this month so far; been dealing with some health problems unrelated to the current viral doom and some various other shenanigans. Time for some air clearing!

Medical Probs

For new people who may not know, I suffer from a degenerative arthritis of the spine. Basically the little toughs in my spine nerves come out thru are narrowing, crushing my nerves which causes pain throughout my body. In the past couple months I have had a lot more activity IRL work-wise than I am used to and I think my body is punishing me for it now X3. The pain basically forces me to hunch further and further over my desk as I work until there is no more room to adjust my position to relieve pain and I actually have to lay after only a half hour or so to kinda 'reset' my spine. Hasn't been this bad in almost a year.

Silver lining on that though is almost a year ago was actually the very last time I had an epidural steroid injection into my spine using this new method, which is 3 times longer than the old kind lasted. I have another of these new-type injections scheduled this coming Friday and if it is anything like the last one I'll be feeling better within a day.

For the morbidly curious (the squeamish can skip this paragraph XD), instead of a needle being inserted straight into the spinal canal, a slightly larger-bore needle inserted just below the base of my neck and used to guide a small catheter in there (much like you would get with an an IV, but with your spine! 8D). Thru that an even smaller catheter is inserted to make its way into and up through the spinal canal aaaaaall the way up almost to the base of my skull. The steroid is then delivered through the catheter as it is withdrawn, spooging out a long stretch of steroids thru a long stretch of my neck. Local anesthetics make it a painless outpatient procedure requiring no general anesthetic; it takes just a couple hours (only 10 minutes of of which is actually on the table, the rest being prepped before and 'observed' after) and relief comes relatively quickly. Super gross-feeling tho XD. Since water is an excellent conductor of sound and the body is mostly water you get to HEAR the goop being injected into you Ó,,Ò.

Anyway I talk about it because I definitely recommend anyone suffering any ailment that requires epidural steroid injections into the spine to ask their doctor about this procedure; it's fucking amazing.


Dealing with the car accident I was recently involved in has been occupying an unreasonable portion of my free time. My insurance company has now, for no reason, closed my claim TWICE without resolving it. The cops were too busy doing more important things BEFORE this whole outbreak thing to try and move forward with action against the other party and understandably care about it even less now, but that don't mean I can't be pissy over it XU

I finally got ahold of an insurance rep that sounded just as confounded as I was that this was going on as long as it was and said they would get right on it...that was a week ago >,,>

Not really optimistic on this one v,,v

Content Passwords

For new people (and OMG there are so many new people lately, hii! ouo/" sorry I'm so unproductive your first month here! D,8), recently I started using the automated welcome message to give out the passwords for off-site content, but I am still paranoid not everyone gets them D8. So if you haven't gotten one or forgot to write it down gimme a poke!

Content Content

Many apologies again for the lack of postings. I will post some WIPs in a day or two of some things I have been working on when I can for future lewd doings. Hopefully some real smut not long after. And after my injection I will be able to do much more smuts! 8U

If it ends up I can't, I will pause the campaign so there is no charge for the next month like I have in the past. I'm optimistic on this one tho! I've gotten a good deal done that be too boring to make a post about X3, but it will fuel many smuts in the future! 8O

Substance Painter

I am learning me a new thing! 8O FIIiiinally starting to use Substance Painter, which my friend the way too nice Karanthos got for me long ago but I was lazy/intimidated by it and never got around to learning and then kinda put it on the back burner ó,,ò But now I am learning! 83
Thank you again, Karanthos! \^o^/

I'll yap more about it when I post the WIPs but spoiler alert: Chop the biggy piggy is coming back 83

Well that's about it for now, gotta reset my spine again X3
Thank you all for your patience and support! \QuQ/
Stay safe and healthy out there!


Rockaway Carter

Just stay safe and be careful dude. We'll be here when you recover and can produce content again!


aye! slow and steady like always draggi! taking care of yourself is important. and awwww, owo you make me blushy blushy!


Take it slow and recover. I had a teacher who had a similar condition with her back and had to get those same injection as well as a spinal fusion. While I don't know how it feels I think we can sympathize that you need to take care of your health first. I don't mind on waiting for more content of my favorite Rex if it's causing you pain so heal up first!