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I've always liked Darla. She's charming, beautiful, and she gave us our Angel. But.... (and I feel bad saying this) I haven't really warmed up much to her involvement on Angel. Yet. She seems like trouble and Angel hasn't been doing well since she's been on the scene so I'm worried for him.

So, I guess I'm hoping that this Darla thing turns into something that is positive or good OR that she kind of just goes away soon 😅 I'm all for welcoming Darla into the fold and she can help Cordy with the invoices and she can research demons with Wes. I do feel bad for Darla though, but my heart is with Angel first and he is my priority to make sure he's happy!

Youtube Edit: https://youtu.be/Tb9Y-uxG17w



Neil Hanson

You don't want Angel to be TOO happy though Juliette. Bad things occur when that happens, remember?


SO TRUE. So therefore, Darla is EXACTLY what we need! Thank you, Neil. I now adore her 🤣

El Diablo Robotico

Juliette, I was in the same position as you are. I’ve long since made my peace with Darla, as I’ve watched this show multiple times and there are definitely some cool/interesting things that happen related to her story, but I kind of hated her a bit when she showed up on Angel (flashbacks excepted). However, I know there are a number of people out there who love Darla on this show, so who knows, maybe that will be you soon enough.


I've always loved Julie Benz so seeing her as Darla will always be enjoyable, but her use in the story can be nervewracking. Even though she's human now she's still a bad influence, then again she has spent more time undead than as a human before that.


Two great Buffy and Angel episodes back to back. In Buffy, it was revealed that Dawn is the key. Now here on Angel, it is revealed that Darla has come back as a human and not a vampire. I can't wait for you to see how this Darla storyline plays out because it is one of my favorites. :)

Kevin Karst

I understand that you want your favourite characters to be happy, but imagine how boring that would be. From time to time, we need someone like Darla to spice things up. I live for the drama on these shows. :-D As Joss Whedon once said: "Never give the fans what they want. Give them what they need."