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I love Donna. That is all. New favourite companion EVER 🤣 It might sound weird, but I feel she could really inspire me in many ways. She speaks her mind, isn't afraid to let someone know when she's unhappy, and stands up for what she believes in. Donna actually shares a lot of the same qualities that Martha does, but I am just SO drawn to Donna. Love her.

A great episode, and I have to admit I was thinking of the Bastille song Pompeii during this one! One of my favourite songs, that!

Youtube edit: https://youtu.be/enJmUHHvmlY




I've finally caught up on here yay! Looking forward to watching this one!


this is the first doctor who episode I ever watched so I always like watching this one and remembering being 7 again, it's also a good episode :)

Martin Holt

An observation and a question: Observation: Jack Harkness casually mentioned in EMPTY CHILD (S1E9) that one of his favorite con job sites was Vesuvius on 'Volcano Day.' Which means that, while the Doctor and Donna were destroying the Pyrovilians and the city of Pompeii, Jack was there. He was RIGHT THERE THE WHOLE TIME! Question: Jack's con was to sell a piece of space trash to an unsuspecting Time Agent just before it was destroyed. In this case, was the piece of space trash in fact the Pyrovilian ship? When he mentioned 'Volcano Day' to the Doctor, did he know that the Doctor had caused the volcano to ignite? Did Jack somehow guide the Pyrovilian ship to the site and thus precipitate the entire chain of events? I. Have. Questions!

Niall NC

THE FACT YOU ARE ALREADY LOVING DONNA, YES!!!! I knew you would, all the best people love Donna ;)


I can relate, Donna is the absolute best companion imo. Well, maybe there will be one in contention for my top billing in later years. (They all know what I did there.)

James Gorman

The Fires Of Pompeii explores the Doctor’s abilities as a Time Lord. How a Time Lord sees the past, present and future.


Just finished. To your point at the end, most people agree it was a mistake on the writing part to have Martha thirst over the Doctor essentially. And if memory serves me correct the main writer (Russel) regrets the decision he took Martha's character. But it is satisfying seeing her get over it and "Get out" as she said. I love how these 3 companions so far have varied in world view, even though on paper they're all adult woman from London modern times!


Donna is just unbelievable. I also love that she's closer to my age than Rose or Martha!! She is the best (so far hehe) 🥰


I have watched Doctor Who so many times and I have never made this connection before. Wow.


OOOOHHHH so interesting!!! I am all for a bit of romance, but it got tiresome by the end. Especially the snide comments and remarks towards poor Rose (who I really liked!). I do agree that her conclusion really was satisfying!

James Gorman

There are several story arcs running through the fourth series. Can you guess what they are? The last six episodes of the series are…..SPOILERS!! 😉😉😃

TDA Entertainment

Yep, Donna is the best companion of all time and I will stand by the statement for the rest of time!


Especially with Martha being the first full time companion of colour, there was a lot of missed opportunities and in retrospective isn't a great character choice. Yet I think the understanding at the time was to have the Doctor miss and mourn Rose just like the audience and sadly that weakened Martha's character! I still love her, much underrated in my humble opinion!


I'm still back on episode 2 of season 2. But I loooove Donna. She is my absolute top tier, D1, First overall Draft Pick companion

Chris Janes

New doctor Who comes out, time to re-sub! Especially knowing you already love Donna, she's so so so good!

James Gorman

It was good episode. A nice blend of character driven drama, body horror, witty, entertaining, thought provoking and emotional.

Martin Holt

I had just watched EMPTY CHILD this morning. I also had forgotten about Volcano Day until I wrote that comment.

Jerry Setty (SpTigerJD1)

For me, it's a tie between Rose and Martha for my favorite companion. I do like Donna and how she interacts with the Doctor. Donna becomes more enjoyable as a companion later in the series. DW definitely has it's ups and downs, it's happy and funny times as well as it's sad times. That's 1 of the things I enjoy about it. Would like to saw more, but I don't want to spoil anything.


This episode is a standout episode for Catherine Tate. She is comedienne first and foremost, and her previous two episodes leaned into that humor. Many people felt that she was just there for comic relief but then THIS episode came along and we see Catherine acting her chops off (and making us all cry!). I think this might be the first episode where we actually get to understand what the Doctor means by a fixed point in time. He's told us it plenty. but we never really understood the consequences of meddling. The Doctor didn't know exactly what the consequences are, just that there would be. In this instance, if he saved Pompeii, then the Pyrovile's would take over the entire planet. (I keep thinking Father's Day in my head, but that wasn't fixed, that was a paradox).

chicks dig me

Where did the Doctor get the squirt gun?


The street set was shot on location in Italy at the Cinecittà Studios in Rome. David Tennant visited the actual burial site of Pompei during the shoot & it was captured by the (bts programme) Doctor Who: Confidential film crew. Many of the DW confidentials are on YouTube if you wanted to see them

Colin 3of5

was pompeii a fixed point, or a nexus point. As it said in the episode a choice had to be made, and it could only be made by the Doctor and Jack couldn't because Jack is not a Timelord. and Jack can't because he cannot perceive time the way The Doctor can. Again as it is mentioned in the episode. It is a plot point that seems to be overlooked a lot of the time IMO.


The inside bits were filmed in Cardiff. I managed to meet David and Catherine when they were filming this episode 😍


Agreed. Donna is the best ❤️

Martin Holt

Yep. Overlooked plot points happen a lot in DW. It's all part of that wibbley-wobbley charm.

Paul Hess

If it were Tom Baker I'd have said he had it in his pockets! 😂

Paul Hess

I'm loving how much you are appreciating Donna Noble and Catherine Tate in this series. It was so poignant when Donna offered to help the Doctor detonate the volcano so he wouldn't have to do it alone, especially in light of her own powerful feelings towards wanting to save them. Donna is awesome this season, and in fact one of my favorite ever quotes in all of Doctor Who is what someone says about her, but that's all I have to say about that for now.


I remember being so surprised at how much I liked Donna as a companion, Catherine Tate's comedy was everywhere on British TV at the time and I was not a fan. This episode really shows Donna's value, she makes the Doctor better by her influence. Also a trivia note - the characters of Caecilius and his family take their names from a real family from Pompeii. These names are also used in the Cambridge Latin course which I studied at school many years ago.

Colin 3of5

timelord technology. his pockets are bigger on tthe inside 🤣🤣🤣

Isac (Welsh_ML)

Donna at first to me felt like martha, except donna never got scared to tell the doctor what she wants and needs, they're a match and a half and definitely up there in my fave duos

Isac (Welsh_ML)

this ep is very emotional, an important one too i believe :)

The Rising Ape

So, first off, I can't believe I'm a week late... busy, busy decorating Ape Jr's bedroom, it's a space theme and yes, I'll be hiding a TARDIS in there somewhere :) Secondly, you're absolutely spot on about Donna, she's the best companion of this era exactly because she speaks her mind, takes no shit and really doesn't fancy the Doctor, she's who he needed. Also, Catherine Tate is brilliant. This is yet another great episode giving us more and more insight into why the Doctor is the way he is and therre's only more to come.} I'm off to watch this weeks ep now which is another blinder.