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I have to apologise for the NOISE that came out of my mouth at the end of this episode 🤣 I got a little over excited.... 🫢

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend! I'm going to make it a restful one, browsing the Steam sale, and trying not to cough. Sounds utterly delightful!

(already in my Steam cart are Half Life 2 episode 1 and 2!)

Youtube edit: https://youtu.be/Mrl-Ax6Zdl4




"Maybe Drusilla will show up and get Spike back." Oh man, wouldn't that be amazing. I sure do miss that dynamic duo. :)


SAME! Imagine if she did, and Spike keeps having these Buffy dreams. She will NOT be happy 🤣

Stephen Knueppel

This episode proved to me that Buffy needs to kill Spike. He is just to dangerous to live and he's shown he will never stop scheming or trying to kill others. With everything that just happened Buffy still doesn't tell Riley I love you. I do believe she cares deeply about him but something is holding her back. Then Graham reminded him how much he has given up to be with her. I think his insecurity is very understandable at this point. I don't think Spike and Buffy should be a thing. Even if she does decide she wants him he is still an evil monster who wants to kill just like before. How can she tolerate that mindset. No she needs to stake him and be done with it lol.