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I loved this episode!! I hope it doesn't turn out that this one is another that no one likes HAHA as that happens to me a lot! I thought it was drama filled, sad, emotional, exciting.... And that part with Martha and the Doctor at the hatch was incredible.... Such a stand-out part of this episode!

Does anyone know if the suit the Doctor wore in this was the same one from the previous season when the good Doctor met the devil? It looks similar!

Youtube Edit: https://youtu.be/f_1N3V2IbKc




I really love this episode. I understand why people compare it to the Satan pit two parter from series 2, but personally I think it's just the setting that is similar. The rest of the episode is very different. I too love that scene where Martha and the Doctor are looking through the portholes at each other shouting and screaming, but all we get is the silence. It give me chills every time. Great reaction Juliette, looking forward to the next one, as always.

The Rising Ape

I've been waiting for this episode so I can share that I knew William Ash (Riley) from school. He was acting even back then. This is agreat episode and gets a lot of flack for being too similar to the Impossible Planet/Satan Pit but apart from the general aesthetic of the ship/station, which would make sense, and the possesion it's a completely different premise. Wonderful reaction as always and I know I've said this before but I really can't wait for what's next as they are, in my small opinion, two of the best episodes in the whole of NuWho.


Oh no way!! That is awesome that you knew William! So cool!! Yeah, I DO see some similarities to Impossible Planet like you said! It is different though, and to be honest, I'm sure that in the Who universe there would be lots of scenarios like this one all over their universe, people to help on planets and crafts in similar predicaments!