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Well, this is about to get a little bit wild. I love the Buffy/Angel crossovers, and this one is no exception. Such an interesting turn of events and I really enjoyed this episode a LOT.

I wish everyone a beautiful week ahead! I've got a LOT of editing that I'm a bit behind on haha so it's heads down and get to it for me. I'm hoping I'll be able to get through a few episodes by the end of the week 😸

Take care and enjoy 🥰

Youtube Edit: https://youtu.be/nkvhii-M5s4



Neil Hanson

Such an awesome episode! The Faith storyline was so good! After all she has done I bet you never imagined you'd end up feeling so bad for her in the end. Especially because right before her breakdown she had just sadistically tortured poor Wesley! Eliza Dushku's acting in that last scene was just amazing though right? The flashback scenes that gave us more insight into Angel's past were also really good as well. Thanks for another excellent reaction Juliette.

Jonathan Hall

This is one of my favorite Angel episodes. It's a great one to rewatch too because you see through the entire thing that Faith is essentially trying to get Angel to kill her. Trying to get him "in the game."

Dudley, The Stardew Valley Cat

is there a full version that isn't mute/transparent? other buffy partreons i'm subscribed to don't have that issue.

Lime Pie

Faith dancing to "Living Dead Girl" while casually punching anyone who gets close to her might just be the most Faith scene. Going off of the "addiction" analogy, Angel might be sober, but he is still an addict. A soul makes him feel bad about all the horrible stuff he has done, but he still craves the taste of human blood because he is still a vampire. Plus, the shame makes him feel like he deserves to die for all he has done which gives him an excuse to do more horrible things so that someone will kill him for it (like in "Amends" when he tries to convince Buffy he needs to die). Besides being a vampire, Faith is remarkably similar to Angel in that way. At least that's how I see it.


Hi Dudley 😸 Love your user name! Unfortunately, sharing the full copy is illegal. I mention you'll need your own copy in the tier description, and provide a 30 second preview of every episode, so people know what to expect beforehand 💜

Dudley, The Stardew Valley Cat

Thanks! Oohhh, I didn't know about it being illegal. I noticed with the others I watched, it was always streamed through dropbox or google drive.


Thank you so much for understanding!! I'm always a bit scared/nervous that people won't understand. A few patreon pages got shut down a while ago due to sharing their full reactions, and I'm also just protecting myself legally as it's just not worth getting in trouble for me. I wish I could share the full thing properly though 😭


Faith: *beats a guy up and robs him* Juliette: Beautiful. LOL This is, in my opinion, the best episode of this season. It's no secret that I was not a fan of Faith during season 3 of Buffy. Even after my hundreds of rewatches, I still don't really like her in that season. However, bringing her character back for an arc in season 4 of Buffy and now here on Angel was such a great idea. During that arc and this one is when I really start to appreciate her character. In season 3 of Buffy, there were hints of her self esteem issues, but now we get to delve into that a bit more. First, with Faith essentially beating herself up (when Buffy was in Faith's body). She was technically hitting Buffy, but it was Faith's body and she was speaking to/about herself when she was saying "You're disgusting. You're nothing." Then we get the ending scene in this episode where Faith breaks down and is basically begging Angel to kill her. By the way, have you ever seen Tru Calling? It's a supernatural drama/thriller that stars Eliza Dushku as the main heroine. Unfortunately, it was canceled after 2 seasons (and twenty years later I am still upset about that lol). It was a terrific show though. If you haven't seen it, you should consider reacting to it in the future. Or if not, at least watch it on your own time. I really think you would enjoy it.

Kevin Karst

I noticed you're one of the very few Buffy / Angel reactors who doesn't skip the "previously on" part at the beginning of each episode. I think it spoils a lot of surprise appearances, such as Faith's appearance in this episode. Btw, I'm always surprised by how little the showrunners cared about not "spoilering" the audience. There are spoilers in the episode titles, the "previously one" parts, the actor's names after the opening credits ... it's like they actively want us not to experience any surprises. Probably my only general point of criticism to these fantastic shows.


Ooh, interesting! I don't skip it so it is easier to line up with the full length reaction. Yeah, it does spoil things like Faith but it's mostly for you guys that I don't skip haha. And YES, I wish the characters and guest stars were NOT listed in the opening credits 🤣 even if I skipped the previously on, they appear moments later in the credits anyway haha


YESS!!! I am SO with you, Britney! I never liked Faith during season 3 either. I felt like the odd one out, as most comments on YouTube said they liked her, so it wasn't a great feeling for me when I felt like I was letting a lot of people down! It wasn't until the last time she was on Buffy and this on Angel, that I am FINALLY warming to her, though what she did to Wesley and Cordelia is hurtful, especially poor Wes. Who would have thought Faith would ever make me cry?! I haven't seen Eliza in anything other than Buffy/Angel, so thank you for the recommendation! I actually looked briefly at her Instagram the other day haha and it was lovely to see her more recently!